It was 5:30 in the morning still dark, where she lived in Colorado. Haylee enjoyed her early morning walks. This morning was frigid as the wind whipped a cold 19 degrees. She was chilled to …
A Sunrise Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today. To thank you for this brand-new day. I sit in the early morning with my coffee having quiet time with you. Your new day sunrise is overtaking …
In Conclusion
This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up ( Five Minute Friday link-up). Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around …
A Gratitude Prayer— For Godly Wisdom
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today. To ask you to help me be Sensitive and mindful to your Instruction and wisdom. Thank you, dear Abba; I feel So blessed that I may come …
A Gratitude Prayer— God\’s Love
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you today To thank you for your all empowered, Undying love for me. Your love Lights up the darkness, and gives Hope to the hopeless. Thank you For giving …
When You Found Me
When You Found Me. I was hiding in the dark. Ashamed, for I knew right from wrong. When You Found Me. I held my head low. Wanting to flee, but you didn\’t let me go. …
Gratitude Prayer— God\’s Faithfulness
Dear Heavenly Father, Today I come before you To thank you for your Unfailing faithfulness. Thank you for always Loving me, even when I’m a mess. All things are Possible with you Lord, for Which …
A Prayer For Joy
Abba Father. Today I pray for joy. Please help me discover joy in life\’s unexpected places. In tears of pain and anxiety. During financial difficulty and loss. During Illness and loneliness. From lessons learned and …
A Gratitude Prayer For Today
Dear Jesus, The days seem busy as if I’m running on empty. This morning I stop, pause, and have quieted myself to talk to you. To tell you, Thank You for this Brand new day …
A Gratitude Prayer For Your Salvation
Dear God, I don’t praise you with gratitude nearly as much as I should. Today I want to thank you for giving me your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for my salvation, that was blood …
A Prayer For When You Feel Weary
Abba Father, My soul is weary My mind fatigued. Please take the cares Of the day that have Caused anguish away. Please draw my mind to You and your precepts. Please wrap me in your …
A Prayer For Discernment
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray during these uncertain Times. For you to help me Discern those things that are Not clearly seen or told. Father Please help me have the ability, Wisdom, and knowledge to …