This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week’s word prompt is {{But}}
I had to chuckle at this week’s word prompt: “But.” Right away, my thoughts went to how many times I’ve tried to help God work out the problems in my life. You know the drill. I’d pray, talk with Him, lay it all out there… and then, almost immediately, I’d chime in with a “But, wait… let me just give you a little nudge here.” It makes me smile (and cringe a little) thinking about how many times He must have gently chuckled, a divine eye-roll if you will, and thought, “Come on, Paula. It doesn’t work that way.”
Oh, the “buts” of my past! They were like little roadblocks on the path of faith, built with my own limited understanding and fueled by my impatience. “But, God, I know you can do this, but wouldn’t it be faster if we did it this way?” “But, Lord, I trust you, but… are you sure you understand the urgency of this situation?” “But, Father, I believe, but… what if it doesn’t work out the way I envision?”
Looking back, I can see those “buts” for what they were: tiny flags of doubt planted in the fertile ground of my burgeoning faith. They were evidence of my struggle to fully surrender and truly trust in God’s perfect timing and unwavering wisdom. I was so busy trying to orchestrate the outcome, to micro-manage the miracle, that I was missing the point entirely.
As I’ve matured in Christ (and continue to do so), those “buts” have thankfully become less frequent visitors in my conversations with Him. Now, when I bring my prayers to God, I try to leave them there. I lay my burdens at His feet, trusting that He is listening and actively working on my behalf, even when I can’t see it.
The truth is, those “buts” often reveal a fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship with God. He’s not a cosmic vending machine where we insert our prayers and then try to manipulate the outcome. He’s not a junior partner in our life’s endeavors. He’s the Creator, the Sustainer, the Alpha, and the Omega. And He knows what He’s doing. No, “but’s” about it.
I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!
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So true! I think we all have tried to “nudge” God in the direction we want. But the years prove He knows what He is doing!
I can so relate to this post.
Thanks for sharing.
I want to give ol’ God a hand
when I think He’s workin’ slow,
’cause maybe He don’t understand
just how far I need to go,
that I am made for ridin’ high,
with many things I gotta do
so later I can go and buy
that beach house in Malibu
(which was burned right to the ground
by that fire recently).
But in this way maybe I’ve found
that God is doing decently
by slow-timing my desires
to save me from Newsom and fires.
Very true. FMF16
I know I’ve tried to “limit” God in the past in prayer. Humans try to control things and that’s not the relationship with God.
Oh boy, Paula, though I should know better, I often more than “nudge” God in the direction which of course would be best!!!!
I love this, Paula. So many times I try and ‘help’ the Lord to solve my problems. We really do have to remember that the Lord of the universe can handle it . Thanks for sharing. Kath, your FMF neighbour at #12 this week.
So very true, Paula. The many times in life that I have given the Lord suggestions. But I am so glad He did things His way
Such a great reminder that God knows us well, and knows the moves we are going to make even before we do. I hang onto that faith often. I try to not interrupt what I’m supposed to do incorrectly. Sometimes I still feel like I fail at that. “But” like you, I am learning day by day to be better at listening to him.
Amen Crystal
I’m thankful He is a patient Father who knows how to walk with His children, even when we say ‘but’ to Him.
What a fun prompt! There is always a but isn’t there but often self imposed.
Thanks so much. And yes, sometimes it’s those self imposed buts for sure.