You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalm 56:8— NLT

Have you ever been minding your own business, going about your day, when suddenly a wave of emotion washes over you, culminating in a good, cleansing cry? It might happen while reminiscing about loved ones lost, celebrating cherished moments with your children, or even connecting with the support of your online community. 

Sometimes, you just need a good cry

 I found myself in such a moment today. Lost in thought about my late parents, I reminisced about their laughter, their guidance, and the void their absence leaves. Then, my mind shifted to my daughters, their vibrant energy, and my fierce love for them. My dear friend’s name followed, reminding me of the comfort and joy she brings. And amidst it all, I thought of you, my blogging friends and readers, a community woven together by shared stories and faith. — So I cried.

But you know what? It wasn’t a bad cry. It was a release, a way for my heart to process the complexities of love, loss, and the beautiful tapestry of life. And within those tears, I found comfort and strength.

It might sound strange, but those tears felt like a cleansing rain. But here’s the thing: those tears weren’t just an emotional release but a prayer. They were a way of acknowledging my vulnerability, humanity, and, ultimately, my reliance on the One who holds us all in His hand.

 Jesus wept.

John 11:35— NIV

The Bible tells us in Psalm 56:8, “You store my tears in your bottle; you have listed them in your scroll.” Our tears are seen, acknowledged, and held by God. They are not a sign of weakness but a reminder of our humanity and capacity for deep emotions. He understands the hurt, joy, and everything that brings those tears.

So, friends, don’t shy away from the tears. Embrace them as a natural expression of your soul. Let them flow, and find solace in knowing that God is present, holding you close. He created us with the ability to cry, not as a weakness, but as a way to process, heal, and connect.


  • Create a safe space for tears: Don’t judge yourself for crying. Find a quiet corner, put on some calming music, or reach out to a trusted friend. Let the tears flow freely.
  • Journal your emotions: As you cry, write down what you’re feeling. Don’t censor yourself. This can help you process your emotions and gain clarity.
  • Seek comfort in Scripture: Read passages about God’s love, compassion, and understanding. Psalm 56:8, “You keep track of all my tears; you have stored them in your bottle. You have listed them in your scroll.”

Journaling questions

  • What triggered your tears?
  • What emotions are you feeling?
  • What do you need from God right now?

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  

Revelation 21:4— NIV 

All In All

Don’t be afraid to cry. It’s not a sign of weakness but a sign of humanity, a release of emotion, and a pathway to healing. Let your tears flow, and trust that God sees them and understands them. He is our ever-present comfort and strength, even in our tears.

Until next time, may your tears be a source of healing and your heart be filled with God’s love. You know— Sometimes we just need a good cry.

Linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday  @ Create With Joy   #TellHisStory @ Andrew’s InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Grace & Truth   @ Maree Dee’s Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop  Crazy Little Love Birds  Will Blog For Comments     The Happy Now Blog Link-Up      Dare To Share Saturdays   Gr.ner.ic @ G’Ma’s Photos  Traffic Jam Reboot  Weekly Highlights @ My Full Heart   Funtastic Friday #Alittleabouteverything @ Iveth’s

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  1. I’m so glad for that verse about Jesus weeping. I’m not glad that He was sad, but it’s a comfort to know that tears are natural at times. They provide such a relief for our feelings. And I love that verse about Him storing our tears in a bottle.

  2. Beautiful thoughts! I think it’s so important to recognize the power of tears, both the good tears and the bad tears. I once read a quote about tears–which I now keep in my scriptures– written by Adam Clarke in his Bible Commentary, which I love SO much: “To human nature God has given the privilege to weep in times of affliction and distress. In his infinite kindness he has ordained that tears, which are only external evidences of our grief, shall be the outlets to our sorrows, and tend to exhaust the cause from which they flow.” I feel that’s also the case, in a different way, with happy tears; they can sometimes be the only way to truly express how we feel. Thank you for sharing this post at the Will Blog for Comments #25 linkup!

  3. Hi, Paula. Many see tears as a sign of weakness. I cry when I get angry. Not sure why, but I do. Your writing did touch me. I will take your suggestion about the journaling.
    Take care and best wishes.

  4. Paula, I love the journaling questions you added in this post. When we figure out what we need from God during those moments, it honestly helps out so much. Prayer, journaling, and just the simple reminder that God loves us no matter what we are going through. It helps so much. Thank you for sharing your post with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #24.

  5. Paula, crying is not something I do very often. Here in my later years, I do feel like I finally know what “a good cry” feels like. It is exhausting and cleansing at the same time…

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