This post is part of the Five-Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week’s word prompt is {{Moment}} 

For everything there is a season,a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1— NLT

In the blink of an eye, a moment can change everything. A chance encounter, a missed opportunity, a single decision can set us on a new course. 

For Christians, the most important moment in history is the one that changed everything: the moment Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. That moment was the culmination of God’s plan of redemption, and it made it possible for us to have eternal life with him. 

The next time you find yourself in a moment that matters, take a deep breath and choose to live in it. Be present in the moment and let it fill you with peace, joy, and love. 

Linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses! 

Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday       Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements   Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   You’re The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends   Grammy’s Grid    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop 

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  1. The moment we choose to trust Jesus is the moment that changes our lives forever and for the better! Visiting from FMF#16

  2. Thank you Paula. (and I found you back)

    1. Oh, no I forgot to message you and let you know I made a new website. I retired my other one. My monthly link ups are here on my new site same dates. The 1st through the 21st of every month. {{ Hugs}}

  3. Moments? I don’t hold with them,
    though it’s nice to see them matter,
    but I think it is pretend,
    and fantasies will surely shatter,
    ’cause there is a lead-in time,
    decisions made, decisions tested,
    and while the end result’s sublime,
    on the whole, the moment’s bested
    by its graven history,
    set in iron, set in stone,
    and though it may be mystery,
    a softly chanted antiphone,
    the miracle we see today
    is always birthed by yesterday.

  4. I had to read this line a couple of times to make sure I understood what you were saying: That moment was the culmination of God’s plan of redemption, and it made it possible for us to have eternal life with him.

    My first reaction was … not it wasn’t. That wasn’t were God’s work stopped. His work of redemption continues as he molds and makes us throughout history. But then I realized that truly… without Christ… to save us, there’s no point. 🙂


    1. Yah, I had trouble expressing my word there for a minute, I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn’t get the word out. I thought it might be difficult, but like you when I read it over and thought about it, it did make sense.

  5. The next time you find yourself in a moment that matters, take a deep breath and choose to live in it. Yes! I want to avoid the hard moments, but when I do, I can’t move forward. Thanks for sharing, Paula. Kath, visiting from FMF #3 this week.

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