The Lord Is Peace

Have you ever thought about your name? Your parents, grandparents, children, or grandchildren\’s names? \”Your name is [Insert your name here]. But you may be called [Insert nickname or shortened name here]. Your mom calls you [?]. Your friends call you [?]. You\’re called by many names but still the same person.\”

\”The different names indicate a special relationship. It means what we have is unique, and it\’s a mark of a friendship or relationship.\”

Have you ever wondered why God has so many different names and what they all mean? Join me this summer, and let\’s take a look at a few of God\’s names and the beauty behind what they mean…

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Jehovah Shalom

Gideon moved slowly and quietly, careful not to make a sound. He was threshing wheat in the winepress and wanted to avoid attracting attention. The job was tough, but he kept going.

For seven years, his nation has been under conflict. Whenever they plant crops or raise animals, an enemy nation comes and takes their crops and livestock, leaving many people on the brink of hunger.

Gideon was likely terrified of being caught while working in the winepress. He knew that not only would the small amount of wheat be destroyed, but he could also be killed.

As Gideon worked, a stranger called out a greeting to him, \”Mighty Warrior, the Lord is with you!\” (Judges 6:12)

Gideon must have been thinking the stranger had mistaken him for someone else. He did not see himself as a warrior. He was just a man trying to survive, hiding out and scraping together a living for his hungry family.

Gideon couldn\’t stop thinking about this statement. \”Why?\” He asked as if the answer was the only thing that mattered.

Everyone asks \”why\” at some point in our lives. Why did I have to be born into a difficult situation? Why did my child have to suffer from a debilitating illness? Why did my spouse have to die unexpectedly? Why did I make that mistake that led to my current circumstances?

God does not answer Gideon\’s question of \”why.\” But He does appoint him a task. Sometimes in the middle of our whys, we may never know why he chooses us for certain assignments.

We may not always understand why we\’re going through difficult times, but we can trust that God is working in our lives. He may not answer our questions of \”why,\” but he will give us an assignment. This assignment may be to help others going through similar experiences, or it may be something else entirely. But, it is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and to make a difference in the world.

Like Moses, Gideon tried to point out his shortcomings when faced with a daunting task. This is a common human reaction because we often feel unqualified or inadequate when faced with challenges that seem too big for us. We may say things like, \”I\’m not special,\” or \”I\’m not the right person for this job.\”

But God reassures Gideon with a simple truth: \”I will be with you.\” This is the same truth that God speaks over you right now. No matter your challenges, God promises to be with you. He will never leave you or forsake you.

After the encounter has ended and Gideon is alone again, he calls God \”Jehovah Shalom\” or \”Yahweh-Shalom,\” depending on the translation of the Bible you are using. Both names mean the same thing—The Lord is Peace.

Afterward, Gideon built an altar to the Eternal and called it \”The Eternal One is Peace.\” It still stands at Ophrah in the land of the Abiezrites. Judges 6:24— VOICE

Gideon\’s story reminds us that we can find peace amid uncertainty. Even though he had not yet resolved his situation and faced an overwhelming challenge, he declared that the Lord was his peace. His enemies still oppressed him, he was still hungry, and he was still waiting to see deliverance, but he knew that God was with him and that he would provide.

But God was granting him peace.

Peace is a gift that God longs to give to all of his children. It is available to you right now, even in the midst of your uncertainty, confusion, and chaos.

All In All

God is your peace. This peace does not come from believing everything will work out perfectly. Instead, it comes from an awareness of God\’s presence. It is the knowledge that you are not alone in the midst of the battle. God stands right beside you. He is with you, and He is for you.


Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts 

 Inspire Me Monday @ Anita\’s Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy    Friendship Friday   Remember Me Monday   #MondayMusings   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements Let\’s Have Coffee      #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy\’s Grid    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade  Senior Salon Pit Stop

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  1. What a beautiful retelling of Gideon’s story, Paula!

  2. I often think about my name, Suzanne, as people will shorten it to Suzie, Sue, Susan which I just don’t identify with.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo

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