It’s that time of year again. Throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, busy though it may be, it’s time we often take moments to slow down and pause and reflect on the simple things.

Though we should be mindful throughout the year, it’s during these seasons that we often find ourselves thinking about how we can serve others.

Let’s take a look at how Jesus served others.

Jesus ultimately modeled for us how we should be serving others. Serving others was not beneath him. He never said, ” Father do I have to?” or ” I don’t want to.” Through God’s word, it says, let me show you how to follow my lead.

He led and loved by serving and showing grace.

Jesus served others by healing the sick and raising the dead. He taught us through parables so we could understand. He gave his life, forgave our sins, gave hope to us the hopeless, and fed thousands.

He fed the poor, threw out demons, gave new life, and embraced people society condemned. He served, taught, and washed his disciple’s feet.


Simply put, love. John 3:16 tells us that God loves us so unbelievably much that he sent Jesus his only son so that those who believe in him will not be destroyed. He loves us so much he wants to give us eternal life, living water so that we can be with him forever.

How can we serve God by serving others?

We can

Donate non-perishable food to local food pantries. Local food pantries and churches usually provide non-perishable food to needy families. Some pantries and churches provide cold foods as well, like turkey, ham, and ground beef. Fresh produce at times too. Check with your local pantry and churches to find out what food items they accept.

Donate used clothing in decent condition. Goodwill and the Salvation Army are excellent places to start. These organizations will usually accept household and furniture donations too. Check with local churches as some have “Clothes Closets” shops for the needy at free to low cost. Scope out local clothes drop-off boxes too.

Volunteer at a local soup kitchen. Most soup kitchens are open year-round and offer special holiday meals as well. Again check with local churches as many provide holiday meals for the needy as well. Help is often always welcome.

Donate to Toys For Tots. Inquire about where your local Toys For Tots drop of locations are. Check your local newspaper as the sites are often listed. Inquire to see if your local mall or department store have “Giving Trees.” This is kind of like a secret Santa. Usually, paper ornaments are hung on a tree and have listed girl or boy, what they need and sizes, sometimes a toy that the child wants is also listed. Again find out when drop-off days and times are. Check with local schools, too, as some know which children are in need and provide anonymous information such as if the child is a girl or boy, what they need, sizes, and a toy they may wish for. Check to see when drop-off days and times are. Someone on staff will call a parent to come to pick up the items. The means listed above allow families to remain anonymous.

Check on an elderly neighbor. Take them a hot meal and talk to them. You never know if you are the only contact they will have. Most times, they love company, and it is so special showing love and kindness and knowing you made someone feel loved.

Offer to babysit for a friend, neighbor, or family member with small children for a few hours so they can go Christmas shopping. Often something as simple as having a break is welcome. Imagine their surprise.

Visit friends, family, or strangers at a nursing home. What joy they will have with a surprise visit from you. You can take a treat, puzzle books, read to them. Or simply talk with them.

Involve your family

If it’s plausible, encourage your family to participate. Encourage your children and grandchildren to take part. Time and again, children usually want to help others.

Brainstorm with your family, see what ideas the kids come up with. Provide resources to help them follow through. This fosters initiative and taking action.

It’s an excellent way to model for the children and even friends and family, serving others and serving God as Jesus did.

Photo by Kiy Turk on Unsplash

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