\”Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.\”

1 Peter 1:3— NIV

Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar. It\’s the day we pause, reflect on, and rejoice in Jesus\’ resurrection from the dead. It\’s the most important event in human history because it proves that God loves us and has the power to overcome death.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a sign of God\’s Love for us. He sent his Son to die on the cross for our sins and raised him from the dead so that we could have eternal life. This shows us that God is always with us, even amid death and suffering.

\”For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.\”

John 3:16— NASB

The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope for the future. We know that if God can raise his Son from the dead, he will do so for us when the time comes. This gives us hope for a new life without pain and suffering.

Easter isn\’t the only time to celebrate the Love of God; we can celebrate and rejoice in his Love for us every day throughout the year. It is a time to be grateful for the gift of salvation. It is a time to hope for the future. After all, Jesus\’ Love is a promise.

Jesus\’ Love Is A Promise

Jesus\’ Love has a name, And
it\’s the hope that never dies.
It\’s the light that shines in the
darkness, And the joy that fills
our hearts.

Jesus\’ Love is a gift, And it\’s the
greatest gift of all. It\’s the
forgiveness that sets us free,
And the mercy that heals our wounds.

Jesus\’ Love may seem like a mystery,
But it\’s a mystery that we can explore.
We can find it in the beauty of nature,
And in the kindness of our friends.

Jesus\’ Love is a promise, And it\’s a
promise that will never be broken.
It\’s the promise of eternal life,
And the promise of a new beginning.

So this Easter, let us celebrate Jesus\’ Love.
Let us open our hearts to its power,
And let us allow it to transform our lives.

\”Jesus replied, \”I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.\”

John 14:6— NET


Dear God,

We thank you for the gift of Easter. We thank you for the Love you have shown us through the resurrection of your Son, Jesus Christ. We pray that you will help us to live in the joy of Easter every day. Help us to share your Love with others. Help us to hope for a new life.

In Jesus\’ name, 


Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts  Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday    #MondayMusings    Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements   Let\’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends   Grammy’s Grid    #PoCoLo

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  1. What a beautiful reminder that Jesus love is a promise, Paula! IMM#2

  2. Amen and Amen, my friend! What an amazing love Jesus has for us. I don’t think we’ll ever mine the depths of it this side of heaven! Beautiful poem, too! Shalom, Paula! ~ Maryleigh

    1. I agree. I don’t think we will fully understand or be able to comprehend His love this side of Heaven either.

  3. Paula, we so need to remember the promise Easter brings to each of our lives. It’s a promise which truly encompasses all of life both here and now, and forevermore. It is an eternal promise and there is no part of us which it does not impact. It fills us with hope now and always. May we take time to pause and meditate on the depth and wonder of this Promise. Blessings!

  4. Paula, your poems and love for Jesus are a blessing to us all. I am so thankful for our blessed Savior.

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. I am abundantly thankful for our Savior.

  5. Paula, did you write “Jesus’ Love is a Promise”? It’s lovely!

  6. Paula, thank you for inviting us to linger here over the promise of Love Jesus lavishes upon us through His resurrection!

  7. Easter >>> “shows us that God is always with us, even amid death and suffering.” Amen! Paula, we so need to remember this in the midst of every pain and hardship. May we hold onto the hope and promises of Easter.

  8. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 106.

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