A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.\”

Proverbs 17:22—NASB

One of God\’s most lovely gifts is the gift of laughter. Laughter can reduce stress brighten your mood, boosts your immune system, lower your blood pressure, and much more. I love to laugh, and I\’m grateful to be able to celebrate His gift of laughter.

Also, laughter causes your brain to produce more endorphins —neurotransmitters that ease pain. You can relish the gift of laughter when you…

Watch funny videos— Use a website like YouTube or GodTube to find funny videos. You may want to look up search phrases like \’babies laughing\’ or \’puppies playing,\’ funny animals, dog shaming, and the like. I enjoy watching funny animals and dog shaming.

Did you know— there is a Christian Comedy Association? If you like comedians, look up Lisa Mills, Tim Hawkins, Chonda Pierce, Bob Smiley, and clean ventriloquist Ken Groves, Lisa Mills. These are Christian comedians that keep their routines clean and family-friendly.

Put on a funny song and dance—Don\’t be afraid to do your silliest dance. Some songs that will make you want to dance along include the Macarena, I Like To Move It, Y.M.C.A, The Chicken Dance, Shake Your Sillies Out, and so many more. 

Let your inner kid out— I know you want to. Run through a sprinkler, splash in a puddle(I do this), make a blanket fort, Play classic games like Follow the leader, Red Light, Green Light, Simon Says, jump in a pile of leaves, color, or build a snowman. You can do these fun things with your children and grandchildren. Your inner kid is waiting.

You can do some of these things with your family. I don\’t have to tell you it\’s really messed up here in our world today. Sometimes I think we could all use some time to wholesomely relax, have fun, and not be so serious— and laugh.

I\’m grateful for those little things that really aren\’t so little.

Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts  Inspire Me Monday @ Anita\’s Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy    Friendship Friday   #MondayMusings    Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements Let\’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy\’s Grid    #PoCoLo

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  1. There is something so beautiful about the sound of a child’s laughter. Your post made me grateful not only for the gift of laughter, but especially for the laughter with children. And they laugh at almost anything 🙂

    1. I love childrens laughter. Such a sweet sound.

  2. I love that God gives us the gift of laughter. I’m thankful to be able to laugh at the silly things I do. Laughter is good medicine. Have a blessed day! 🙂

    1. Thank you bunches for visiting sweet friend. 🙂

  3. I’ve heard about the benefits of laughter—a good laugh really is good for your health! Thanks for the fun suggestions to add more joy to our days! 🙂

    1. You’re welcome Nancy. Have a great week my friend.

  4. YES! Laughter is the best medicine!! I did a post about laughter a while back. Laughter is so good for us. Thanks so much for linking up at A Themed Linkup 129 for All Things Thanksgiving. Shared.

    1. Yes, indeed Dee. My favoriate sound was when my kids were little, their laughter. In fact I love to hear the laughter of kids playing too.

  5. Paula, I love this and yes, I agree I am grateful for the gift of laughter.

    1. Thanks bunches Debbie. {{Hugs}}

  6. Paula, love the reminder of the gift of laughter! How I needed this, I can totally be too serious these days! Thank you my friend!

    1. Your so welcome sweet friend. Wishing you a great week. {{hugs}}

  7. Paula, I so agree with you – there is something wonderful about laughter, especially when it makes our eyes tear and our sides hurt. I am finding one of the greatest sources of laughter are my granddaughters!

    1. I hear you Joanne. My favoriate sound was my kids laughter when they were growing up. I love to laugh and am one of those easily amused belly laugh, teary eyed and at times a snorter person.

  8. I thought I already commented on this post but let me say this, laughter works wonders! I wrote a post about it and I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 90. Shared.

    1. Yes, you did comment. I’ve got to visit with you at your place and look up your article on laughter, I’d like to read it.

  9. I just listened to an interesting audiobook about this, Paula. It’s called, Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient. It is outside the box thinking, but scientifically backed, and very interesting. Anyway, there is research that laughter is good medicine. ~GrammysGrid #40

    1. Hey Lisa, that sounds so interesting. I’m going to have to look that up. {{Hugs}}

  10. Little things that aren’t really so little! I love this and completely agree!

    1. Thank you so much Lauren. {{Hugs}}

  11. Hi Paula,

    I don’t laugh aloud often but Tim Hawkins and Chonda Pierce give me the giggles!
    Thanks for the great ideas, friend.


    1. You’re so welcome sweet friend. {{Hugs}}

  12. CONGRATS Paula! Your post is FEATURED at A Themed Linkup 130 for Denim, Burlap, or Lace Crafts & Décor from the previous linkup for All Things Thanksgiving.

  13. Love these suggestions particularly ‘let your inner child out’ those times when we live in the moment with freedom and pure joy – thanks for this reminder!

    1. Thanks bunches Sharon, and you’re welcome.

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