\”You\’re such a blubbering mess; Jesus has us,\” I say to my dog as her tongue sticks to my arm while driving. She\’s been riding in the car with me several times a week for a few years now. And she\’s not a fan of car rides. She throws fur, drools, shakes, and yes, when she\’s close enough to me, her tongue sticks to my arm. 

The funny thing is…. I would love if you continue reading the article Here at the August 2022 Edition of Faith On Every Corner Digital Magazine.

Little Girl

Linking up this week with Inspire Me Monday Remember Me Monday Monday Musings Let\’s Have Coffee Recharge Wednesday Tune In Thursday Thankful Thursday AnythingGoesLinky Friendship Friday and Grace & Truth

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  1. Paula, so sweet and beautiful – you dog yes and our wonderful God!

  2. Isn’t it crazy how we are quick to comfort an anxious pet or pray for our child but when we are troubled, we forget to reach to God for comfort.

    Monday Musings #6

    1. It really is crazy Barb. Sometimes we’re so tuned into comforting others that we forget to pray for comfort for ourselvs.

  3. Paula, a beautiful article, my Friend. I always feel encouraged whenever I visit your blog!

    1. Thank you Donna, likewise I find great encouragement within your blog as well.

  4. Hi Paula,

    A couple of important people in my life left when I was very young and I still have scar tissue. At times, it rubs raw and I tend to think God will leave me, as well. Thank you for this wonderful reminder.

    BTW–Little Girl is adorable!


    1. Tammy I’m happy you were encouraged. Yes, I too have scar tissue. Blessings my friend.

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