1. Hi Paula,

    This is such a beautifully written reflection! Your words capture the quiet magic of winter in a way that makes me want to pause and appreciate it more. I love how you’ve found joy in the stillness, the snowflakes, and the warmth of simple moments.

    Your realization about God’s grace in the midst of winter is so powerful. It’s easy to wish seasons away, but seeing them as invitations to experience His presence changes everything. What a beautiful reminder that He is always with us, even in the cold and quiet.

    Thank you for sharing this perspective—it’s inspiring and full of peace. I’ll be looking for those pockets of grace in my own winter days. ❄️💙



    1. Thank you Aritha. And your so welcome dear friend. 🤗🌼

  2. Winter has always been my favorite seasons for the very reasons you have shared, Paula. The coziness, the warmth, the beauty of snow, the silence as it falls, the wind howling, and the safety of my home. All of these things bring powerful reminders of God’s Presence, ever with us, in every season. Beautiful post!

    1. Thank you Joanne. Amen indeed.

  3. I love this so much, Paula! I’m glad you are having such a different experience this time. I have SAD, too, so I can appreciate the lovely miracle happening for you! xoxo Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #56 linkup! We’d love to see more at #57, too. Have a great week.

  4. Love this, Paula. It’s beautiful.

  5. Beautiful, Paula. And so comforting – “He’s not just present in the grand, dramatic moments of life; He’s here, in the every day, in the ordinary, in the midst of winter. He’s whispering, “I’m here. I’m in this winter with you.” Thank you! Love and blessings to you!

  6. I live in South Africa so we don’t really have a cold winter here but even so I really do enjoy the cozyness of the season – its almost like we have permission to go a bit slower.

    1. You are so right Laura, I agree.

  7. At this point in a long winter this post was good for my heart!

    1. Awe, I’m so happy it touched you. My friend.

  8. strengthwithdignity

    I’m thankful for the peaceful winter of experiencing His Presence, Paula. Such a treasured gift! I can relate to the quiet companionship of a dog snoring nearby; it is so cozy and reflective.

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