1. I love this, Paula. “By embracing stillness in our daily lives, we open ourselves to the profound love and grace of our Creator.” Yes! I never heard of acoustic damping before, but it must have been awesome. I can no longer handle the cold to try it out, but last night I stood at our bedroom window and watched the snow fall in gentle flakes, filling my heart with peace as they sparkled up at me from the ground. Love and blessings of embracing the stillness!

  2. Thank you, Paula, I found this so beautiful to read. You write so vividly that I could picture it in my mind. I’m teaching myself to live more slowly, to walk more calmly. It still feels unfamiliar because everyone around me is always in a hurry. That’s why I’m so grateful for your blog.

    My freshly written blog can be found here: https://preciousbeyond.blogspot.com/

  3. Paula, I love the gentleness, stillness, and quiet of winter snow. Standing outside, I feel like I experience the hush of heaven, and filled with an awe of our God. “By embracing stillness in our daily lives, we open ourselves to the profound love and grace of our Creator.” And now I long for a gentle snow 🙂

  4. One of my favorite bible verses is Psalm 46: 10 – “Be still and know that I am God”. It is often in those quiet moments that I feel God’s presence and it allows me to really see His handiwork all around me! A winter snowfall provides such a moment!

  5. Love this! And I love stillness! So few still moments these days and all the more reason to appreciate them when they happen.

  6. I’ve experienced the stillness of snow falling, quieting the world. It is a beautiful time to enjoy being alive.

  7. jenniferwise4heritagemakers

    This is so beautiful, Paula. Those moments are so, so sweet. Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #54 linkup. We hope to see you at #55 next week.

  8. jenniferwise4heritagemakers

    This blog post was one of the most popular at the Will Blog for Comments #54 linkup, Paula! Congratulations. 🙂 It will be in the spotlight starting today and throughout #55. You’re welcome to celebrate with your readers by saving the “This Blog Post Was a Featured Favorite” image from there and sharing it here, if you like. 🙂

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