1. I do think all writers go through times like this. And sitting at the feet of Jesus is always the best use of our time.

    But I also think it’s important to write something every day. It might not be something you publish but just something to keep juices flowing.

    I’ve been in a season of editing; but I miss blogging and writing so much! I must dip my toe back into the stream of setting down words that are in my brain. It might not bless anyone else, but it will me!

  2. Oh Paula, I feel like I’ve been in a funk too. Even when I do manage to start, I struggle to continue. I agree, at times I think God wants us to slow down, even be still. We don’t have to fill he page with words, sometimes we just need to allow ourselves a gentle break!

  3. Dear friend – Go ahead and write when you have something of value to say. Write when you can’t not write. Write when there’s a fire in your bones that just can’t be extinguished. And enjoy the fallow times, the still times as little seasons of refreshment and refueling. All will be well!

  4. Paula, I think we all go through stretches much like this. We think we need to come up with something clever or new. I am finding lately, my writing comes from time spent reading God’s Word and asking Him to apply it to my life. As I do, I learn and long to share what I have learned. May the Lord bless you in this quiet time!

  5. strengthwithdignity

    I have been meditating on the Scripture, “Be still and know that I am God,” too, Paula. It is an invitation to draw near and know Him.

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