This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week’s word is {{Tolerate}}

In our increasingly diverse and pluralistic world, tolerance is often hailed as the ultimate virtue. We are encouraged to embrace differences, respect alternative viewpoints, and coexist peacefully. While these are noble ideals, the concept of tolerance itself may be flawed.

Tolerance, at its core, implies a grudging acceptance of something undesirable. It suggests a passive endurance rather than a genuine embrace. This is not the kind of love and acceptance Jesus calls us to.

The Bible consistently emphasizes love as the foundational Christian virtue. Love is not merely tolerating someone; it is actively seeking their well-being. It is desiring the best for another, regardless of their beliefs or actions. Love is not blind to sin or wrongdoing but seeks redemption and restoration.

Furthermore, the Bible presents truth as absolute and unchanging. It is not merely one perspective among many. While we are called to engage with those who hold different beliefs with gentleness and respect, we cannot compromise on biblical truth. To tolerate error is to dishonor God.

This does not mean we are to be harsh or judgmental. Jesus himself was compassionate and merciful. However, his love was always accompanied by truth. He confronted sin and called people to repentance.

So, how should Christians respond? We must strive to embody love in all our interactions, seeking opportunities to build bridges and share the gospel. At the same time, we must be clear about our convictions and stand firm on biblical truth.

Tolerance may be the world’s standard, but it is not the Christian ideal. Love, coupled with truth, is the path to genuine unity and transformation.

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  1. I really don’t do tolerance,
    I have got to say.
    To be a-sittin’ on the fence
    is not the cowboy way.
    There is wrong and there is right,
    with nothing in-between.
    There is black and there is white,
    no fifty shades of green,
    so don’t invite me to the party
    down on Weirdo Beach
    where everybody’s eating hearty
    on open minds and quiche.
    I’ll be doing my own thing,
    letting Christian freedom ring.

    1. Me too Andrew. There’s way too much tolerance in the absence of God.

  2. Great post, Paula. Yes, we are not to tolerate sin any more than God does. Holiness is set apart, not tolerating and compromising.
    Yet to love the sinner unconditionally and to speak the truth in love is a gift that requires Holy spirit wisdom and grace. I say Amen with you for that.

  3. Paula,
    Wonderful post as I do have a hard time tolerating some things and some people….I admit it is a flaw that I am not proud to possess.. Thanks for reminding me that I need to do better…. Thanks so much for stopping by…Sorry I have not responded sooner but it has been a rough time for my family with 3 deaths of loved ones in a 4 month period including my husband and my sister’s husband…. Right now, I am not tolerating the month of August very much….
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

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