I’m linking up with friends for Share Four Somethings July 2024 over @ Jennifer’s place, Overflowing With Thankfulness; each month, we share something we  Loved or disliked, Accomplished, Improved upon/needs improvement, and Noticed


Okay, I’m so joyful about the little things. I’m tickled about getting some new sheets and towels from Amazon. Oh… and a new lamp for beside my bed.


My new book is now available.

Welcome To Serenity Cove, Max!: New Town, New Friends, New Adventures by Paula Short (book 1:1 in the Serenity Cove Series)

Escape the Ordinary, Discover Serenity Cove

Exhausted by the city’s relentless pace, Max escapes to Serenity Cove, a charming coastal town where the rhythm of life beats to the calming pulse of the ocean. But Serenity Cove offers more than breathtaking sunsets—it offers a vibrant community brimming with quirky characters, each ready to weave themselves into the fabric of Max’s life.

Embark on a heartwarming journey of self-discovery alongside Max as she stumbles upon unexpected detours that blossom into hilarious adventures. Savor delicious culinary experiences that tantalize the taste buds and nourish the soul. Discover the promise of genuine connection as new friendships blossom around every corner. Will the ocean’s embrace offer solace, and will Max forge a new path brimming with laughter, love, and perhaps even a special companion?

Welcome to Serenity Cove; Max is a delightful tale that will leave you yearning for the warmth of community and the beauty of unexpected detours. It’s a reminder that:

  • Home isn’t a place; it’s a feeling – a feeling you’ll discover when your heart finds its anchor in the most unexpected of places.
  • The greatest adventures unfold not according to your plans but according to the whispers of God. Embrace the detours, for they might just lead you to where you were always meant to be.
  • Faith and friendship are the cornerstones of a life overflowing with joy. Let them guide you on your journey and discover the extraordinary woven into the ordinary moments of life in Serenity Cove.

*** I would love some friends to review and leave a review on Amazon. I can’t tell you how thankful I’d be. If anyone’s interested, email me at paula@gracefilledmoments.me and I will email you a Google Doc.x copy for review ***

Kindle Unlimited $0.00 Kindle $6.00 Paperback $8.00

Needs Improving

I was doing great responding to comments on the blog, but I got behind again. So, I’m going to try to improve.

I’ve also gotten behind reading and responding to friends’ posts that link up to Sweet Tea & Friend every month. I don’t know if behind is the word I’m after. I always read and respond to everyone who links up, but I sometimes find myself still reading and responding through the first week of the following month.


I’ve got to tell you guys how much joy I have visiting with everyone who links up (and participating in friend’s link ups). I even get to travel with you guys virtually! Everyone is like family to me, and I even notice who’s “absent” and wonder if you guys are doing okay.

I can’t end my month without sharing what I’ve read.

The World Outside My Window: by Clare Swatman (Kindle Edition)

The Paris Secret: An epic and heartbreaking love story set in World War Two by Lily Graham (Kindle Edition)

Sincerely Wrong: An Improbable Journey  by Sandra Kovacs Stein (Kindle Edition)

Table for Five by Izzy Bromley  (Kindle Edition).

The Storyteller of Casablanca (Kindle Edition) by Fiona Valpy

You can read my summaries and ratings at Between The Pages | July Reads And Recommendations

I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

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  1. When you mentioned loving your new sheets and stuff, it reminded me that I had made me and my husband new pillowcases for our bed. We love them, yet I had already forgotten, LOL! https://encounterswiththedavisfamily.blogspot.com/2024/07/share-four-somethings-july-2024.html

    1. Hand made pillow cases have got to be the best ❤️

  2. Congratulations on your book! Fresh new towels and sheets are fun. I love when you come over to comment, but please don’t stress about it. Sometimes life outside the blog needs our attention. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I always respond to my comments but sometimes it takes a while. I’m playing catch up this morning.

  3. July was a great month for you. Congratulations on your new book!

    1. Thank you so much Carol 🙂

  4. Oh those pesky comments! Every evening I tell myself that I am going to respond to at least a certain number of comments but, too often, that does not happen. And they just “haunt” me every morning. Grrr. I really need a good system for staying on top of it!!

    1. I hear you on that Jen. I’m catching up on some now.

  5. Congrats on your book! That’s great! I’ve been toying with the idea of getting some new sheets and towels too though this month we did buy sheets and towels for my son to take with him to college… but I think in the next few months I’ll be swapping out some for myself too.

    1. Thanks so much Joanne. It’s the little things, who would have thought new sheets and towels would tickle me and bring joy

  6. Congrats on your book! That’s quite exciting! Since I went to full time hours at work, it’s been an ongoing challenge to visit and comment on the other blogs in the link-ups I participate in . . . trying to catch up a little on that this morning, so here I am! LOL Hope you have a great August!

    1. I’m happy to see you anytime you’re available to pop over dear friend ❤️

  7. Congratulations on your new book, Paula! What an accomplishment… definitely something to be celebrated! Your opening comment about new sheets bringing joy reminded me of how ecstatic I was when Irecently bought new sheets… It’s such a great feeling!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouragement L. Something little like new sheets brings us joy.

  8. Congrats on your book, Paula! How exciting it must be to see an idea come to life!!

    1. Thank You so much for your encouragement ❤️

  9. It’s so good to enjoy the little things! Sheets and towels and lights are indeed kind of cozy. Congrats on the book–it’s such a sweet read. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #44 linkup. #45 opens Monday morning–we hope to see you there sharing more posts.

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