I’m linking up with friends for Share Four Somethings June 2024 over @ Jennifer’s place, Overflowing With Thankfulness; each month, we share something we  Loved or disliked, Accomplished, Improved upon/needs improvement, and Noticed


So I got more houseplants. So far, so good with my plant parenting.


I got a new word search book on Amazon


Sitting at a craft vendor fair during last weekend’s heat wave. I didn’t take my beaded pens or beaded keychains, but I did go to help my friend and her husband.


Click Image To See My Reviews


So I did a thing. Okay, two things. And I’m working on a third.

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Needs Improvement

I’m not sure if creative writing skills is the word I want or not. Nonetheless, I’m working on my writing skills because said third project is a fiction book. You know a story, story. It’s fun dreaming up characters and a fictional setting and coming up with fictional names and places. At the same time, it isn’t easy. Because, I’m out of my element— You know, out of my comfort zone. Writing for Jesus here on the blog comes easily for me now that I’ve been writing for him for a few years.


The heat wave last week and weekend. Those of you who know me now know that I love summer and being outside. I don’t mind the regular heat. And I love summer because I don’t have my SAD like over the winter. BUT! When the heat index is over 100°F that is a completely different story. I’m no good for anything.. I forgot to get a screenshot of the day the heat index was 104°F.

As June sunsets and July dawns, what was your favorite memory from the past month? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let’s create a little June scrapbook together! Did you finally conquer that baking project? Explore a new part of town? Or maybe you simply reveled in the lazy days of summer. Let’s reminisce and celebrate all things June!

I’m linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

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  1. The heat gets to me, too–it just saps my energy. I guess that’s why I like spring and fall better than summer or winter, when temperatures are generally more moderate.

    Congratulations on your book ventures! Writing fiction seems so much harder than nonfiction to me. There are so many decisions to make about what kind of characters to have and what they should be doing.

    We’ve had a very busy and sometimes frustrating June with medical appointments and computer and Facebook snafus. Thankfully, July looks like it will be better–at least there’s not much scheduled. Of course, we never know what a day–or a month–will bring forth. But I hope to get to some things on my to-do list.

  2. How exciting about your writing projects! That’s a step in faith and I hope it’s successful for you. Hope you’re having a great summer so far!

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