1. Paula, we both headed back to the garden with this word prompt 🙂 It is so true. We have been given the wonderful gift of choice. With that, comes responsibility and accountability. May we always choose wisely and choose His will not ours. Blessings!

  2. I love your last sentence because even when we make bad choices, he works all things out for our good. TFS.

  3. Good to see you back.

  4. Sometimes making those better decisions is easier than others…. I need so much to do better at this. FMF17

  5. Yes our choices do carry real signficance…but what a blessing to have the ability to choose. All that God has allowed me to choose is really amazing and – yes – wonderful!! I am trying to catch up on some blog reading and was blessed today by your thoughts on this prompt. I miss Five Minute Friday….

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