1. Oh I just love watching little kids run (and play!) they really give it their all don’t they?

  2. An energized, joyful, exuberant faith. Oh how He must love to see us running toward His loving heart. Thank you for this nudge toward cultivating this kind of life in Christ, Paula. Beautiful.

    1. You’re so welcome Linda. I want to practice being intentional about sharing the silly and things that excite me with Jesus.

  3. A perfect beginning to my morning! Thank you, Paula!

    1. You’re so very welcome Laura 🙂

  4. Hi, Paula. A beautiful read. I can visualize the children running. Me, tho, it would be more of a fast walk! haha 🙂

  5. I think I reached the age of my mid 40s before I no longer cared what others thought about me running through life. You’ll often find me wearing mismatched socks also. Thanks for sharing with #pocolo

  6. Such a beautiful comparison of children running towards their parents and us running to Jesus.

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