1. Some really good fiction here!

  2. The Last Bookshop in London sounds really good to me. I love books about books and reading and people who love them. I agree about books that take the names of God and Jesus in vain.

    1. I think you’ll really like this book.

  3. Hi, Paula. Unfortunately, I do not get to read as much as I would like too. Right now, the time I do have for reading, is saved for my Bible studying goal for this year.
    Take care and best wishes.

  4. Paula, great book reviews! Thank you for sharing with us at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #31.

  5. Lovely round up of books. I will be adding some of these to my reading list, thank you!
    And thanks so much for joining us at #MMBC. Have a great week ahead Paula. 🙂

    1. Thank you and it’s my pleasure to visit over at your place.

  6. I haven’t heard of any of these books before, but I certainly like the sound of The Last Bookshop in London and Anything For a Mystery.
    Popping over from Book Worms Monthly.

    1. You would definitely like The Last Bookshop in London and Anything For a Mystery.

  7. Oh boy, I’ve just added most to my TBR list, these are not really my usual type of books but I’ve been looking for something with a little more character building and history. The Last Bookshop in London and The Irish Boarding House are definitely on the list.

    1. I’m not usually a fiction reader but I love reading. I spent 2023 in a reading funk and didn’t read anything. I usually read nonfiction. But I’m finding that there are some good fiction reads out there.

  8. […] Grace Filled Moments was guilty of adding a few books to my TBR pile from her round up here. […]

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