Hey friends, gather ’round for a good chuckle at my expense (and maybe a shared “been there, done that!” moment). For the past few days, I’ve been diligently discussing with Jesus what topic to tackle for this month’s Link Up on Friday. We brainstormed, pondered, and prayed, feeling pretty darn good about the chosen theme. Imagine my surprise (and slight existential dread) when the clock struck 1:00 am EST this morning, and… crickets. No Link Up post. No comments flooding in. Just the sweet silence of my mistaken reality.

It’s Thursday, not Friday!

Turns out, in a glorious display of my human fallibility, I had completely mixed up the days! Today, my friends, is not Friday, February 2nd. It’s Thursday, February 1st. Cue the angelic laughter and divine facepalm. Apparently, the Holy Spirit had a different plan for our topic this month, and it involves a healthy dose of mix-ups, mishaps, muddling, and jumble-ups.

Now, before you think this is just a personal fumble, let me assure you, even the most faithful stumble. Remember the disciples arguing about who was the greatest? Or Peter sinking like a stone after boasting about his unwavering faith? Heck, even Jonah spent three days in a whale because of a little navigational error.

So, here’s the beauty in the blunder: God doesn’t hold our missteps against us. He knows we’re imperfect beings prone to the occasional mix-up (or complete calendar meltdown). Instead, He uses these moments to remind us of His grace and humor. He shows us that even in our fumbles, there’s a chance to connect, share a laugh, and learn a valuable lesson (like, maybe, double-checking the date next time!).

So, what can we glean from this divine detour?

  • Embrace the mess: Sometimes, the most relatable moments are the ones where things don’t go according to plan. Share your mix-ups and mishaps, and you’ll be surprised how many heads nod in understanding.
  • Find the humor: Laughter is the best medicine, even when the joke’s on you. Let’s lighten up, forgive ourselves, and find the humor in our humanness.
  • Trust in God’s bigger plan: Even when our schedules are scrambled, His purpose prevails. He can turn our stumbles into stepping stones and use our mix-ups for His good.

So, dear friends, let’s raise a glass (or a cup of coffee, depending on the time of day ) to the beauty of imperfection, the comfort of God’s grace, and the fact that even when we mess up, He still has a hilarious and heartwarming story to tell. Now, pass the tissues (for laughter, of course!), and let’s share our own mix-ups in the comments below!

Sweet Tea & Friends is a MONTHLY PARTY and will run from 1:00 am on the 1st of every month through 11:55 pm on the 21st of the month. 

1. For Bloggers, you can link UNLIMITED posts of your Christian, faith, family-friendly posts. Feel free to link up your Crafting, DIY, recipes/ Cooking, Gardening, Photography, Lifestyle, Travel, Health & Beauty, Fashion, Parenting, Grandparenting, Home Making, Homescapes & Tablescapes, Outdoor and Decorating. Why Unlimited? Because I thought you might want to link up any older posts that need some love and attention too. Do you host a Link-Up? Link it up.

2. Link to a specific blog post (URL of a specific post)—(not your website). Feel free to link up any older posts that may need some love and attention too.

3. Show some love. Visit your neighbor or at least 2 others and comment to let them know that what they wrote touched you or you appreciated their post.

4. For Readers, please feel free to click on the blue button below to visit other writers’ blog posts. You will find Christian content, encouragement, inspiration, and many lifestyle and homestyle content you are sure to enjoy.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Kindly Link Back To The Host Post or Blog

Linking up this month with these AMAZING Blog Hop/Link-Up party hostesses!

 Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday    #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements   Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Grace & Truth   You’re The Star    Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends    #PoCoLo   Happiness Is Homemade    Tell It To Me Tuesday   Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop  Crazy Little Love Birds  Will Blog For Comments     The Happy Now Blog Link-Up      Dare To Share Saturdays   Gr.ner.ic @ G’Ma’s Photos  Traffic Jam Reboot Weekly Highlights @ My Full Heart   Funtastic Friday  #Alittleabouteverything @ Iveth’s

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  1. ‘It’s Thursday, not Friday!’

    Welcome to the club, friend! I do this all the time. I’ve learned to just shake my head, laugh, and move ahead. All is well. It’s just that our minds tend to be a bit overwrought at times. Enjoy the beautiful gathering you pull together each month. What a generous blessing you are to so many of us!

    1. Lol, thanks Linda. I wasn’t home this morning when I realized today was the 1st. And I was like Oh No! Then I laughed at myself.

      1. You’ll like this, Paula. After hitting the publish button on The March Bookbag this morning, I discovered that it was February, not March! Thanks to Michele Morin for subtly cluing me in.

        I TOLD you you weren’t the only one!


        1. Lol. Yes, this made me chuckle. 😉

  2. Ha. I’m glad you can laugh about it, Paula! We have all made these kind of mishaps. Since my husband has retired, we ask each other all the time, ‘What day is this?’ 🙂

    1. Lol, thanks Lisa. SOmetimes it feels like I’m stuck on Sundays.

  3. Heavens, I have made SO many mistakes in my life that I have just about become immune to the embarrassment of it!

    1. Lol. I hear you on that. I’m always laughing at myself.

  4. Yup, been there done that as well. We are all human. I will have a cuppa coffee with you shortly.
    My links: 28+29. We will be so happy if you share your links with us at SeniorSalonPitStop. Link under BLOGGING.

  5. strengthwithdignity

    It’s fun to brainstorm, dream, and plan with the Lord, Paula! Thanks for hosting this gathering!

  6. No problem, Paula. It happens. 🙂 I agree, laughter is the best medicine!

    I very much appreciate your acknowledging it. Sometimes when link-up hosts post late, or miss a week or two, or sometimes stop posting completely, it’s frustrating when they leave readers hanging, not knowing what’s going on.

    1. Lol. Seems like I’m always laughing at myself about something. Yes, I agree I find it frustrating when hosts let us hanging. I wasn’t home when I realized my mix up and wanted to let you guys know that I mixed up and to still expect the Link up later that day .

  7. Too funny, Paula! Since I retired the days seem to blend into each other so I totally get it! I loved the way you wove the experience into this month’s message! Thankfully, God’s always waiting for us, imperfections and all! Happy February! 💕

    1. Lol. Seems like I’m always laughing at myself about something.

  8. Paula, Happy February! Thank you for hosting this wonderful link-up. I hope that you have a great weekend.

    1. You are so very welcome Steph ❤️

      1. Paula, thank you for sharing your link up with us at the Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #24

          1. Paula, I love visiting and sharing at your party! 🙂 Thank you for hosting. I added numbers 170, and 171. 🙂

          2. You are so welcome Steph. I love that you visit and share at my party too.

  9. Such a funny story! Thanks for the party!

    1. Lol. You are so very welcome Amy. It’s my pleasure.

  10. One thing I have learned about mistakes is that God wants me to be as forgiving to myself as He is! 🙂 Thanks for hosting the linkup! I’ve left 3 links this week and am off to visit and leave comments on 3 others. See you next week! I hope it’s a great week for you.

    1. God does want us to be as forgiving to ourselves as he is for sure.

  11. Can so relate Paula. I mix up what day of the week it is often. It’s laughable and also a signal to me that I may be thinking of the past or future. Nothing like living each day as it comes with gratitude. Nancy Andres @ Colors 4 Health

    1. Nancy, I hear you here. It seems like I’m always stuck on Sundays. It really is laughable. 🌼

  12. Ahhh … yes, the Holy Spirit’s humor 😀
    We learn to embrace the mess with grace. We find our funny bone, and agree that ‘a merry heart doesth good like a medicine’. And we trust in – and lean on, Elohim’s bigger Plan.
    Thanks for hosting another Party, Paula; it’s always good to visit your Page: no matter what day of the week it is 😉

    1. I’m with you 💯% Val. I’m so happy you stop by any day of the week.

  13. Paula, I’m glad I’m not the only one who sometimes doesn’t know what day it is! 🙂 Thanks so much for hosting each month. I hope you’re looking forward to a restful weekend.

    1. Thanks Donna, and it’s my pleasure hosting. I’m usually stuck on Sundays. Lol.

  14. Happy Monday! Thanks again for hosting this lovely party. I’m leaving 3 more posts and visiting 3 more, too, to leave some comment love. I hope your week is a great one.

    1. You are so very welcome 🤗

  15. Thank you for reminding us all to be able to laugh at ourselves. Paula, may you find laughter all along the way – yes, even when we mistake the day!

  16. Stopping by again with a congratulations! This post was one of the most-visited at the Will Blog for Comments #25 linkup and will be featured in the spotlight all next week, starting today. You’re welcome to copy the “This Blog Post Was a Featured Favorite” image there to share with your readers here, if you like. Thank you for sharing your post! Hope to see you next week, too–linkup #26 opens Monday morning. Have a great weekend.

    1. Wow, what a Surprise! Thanks so much Jen.

  17. Hi, Paula! For sure, I have made many a mistakes. l laugh a lot! 🙂
    Take care and best wishes.

    1. Oh and I am at #144! Thank you for hosting the party.

  18. Paula, thank you for sharing your wonderful Monthly Link Up with us here at WTJR!

  19. I’m constantly running around doing last minute things, to often discover they aren’t last minute anyway.
    Thanks for linking with #pocolo, sorry for the delay with commenting

  20. Happy Monday, Paula! I’ve left #154, #155, and #156 this week and am off to see what others have shared since I was here last week. Have a wonderful week! I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of February.

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