This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single-word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week’s word is {{Clarify}}

Oh, Lord, please help me to clarify,

My thoughts and feelings, day by day.

Unravel the knots that entangle my mind,

And help me to see Your will designed.

Clarify my thoughts and words,

That I may speak Your truth with grace.

Help me to be a faithful witness, And show

Your love in every place.

When darkness clouds my vision clear,

And I’m lost in a fog of fear, Please send

Your light to guide my way, And help

me to see Your perfect day.

Clarify, Lord, my heart and mind,

Let me see truth with vision clear.

Dispel the clouds that blind my eyes,

And help me know what You hold dear.

Oh, Lord, I pray for clarity,

To see Your world as You intend.

To live my life in harmony,

And to fulfill Your purpose, my friend.

— This took longer than 5 minutes.

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  1. Paula, I hope you’ll forgive, but due to hallucinations from pain and lack of sleep I read your title as A Clear Heart And Mind Beyond The Frog. Gotta run with it.

    The frog’s outside my window,
    he ribbits through the night,
    and I think he does this so
    I have the strength to fight
    the nightmares that arise these days
    that spring from unremitting pain.
    I take his croaks as hymn of praise
    that hope will come again
    with the dawn-glow in the east,
    a harbinger of Your return,
    a bright rebuke unto the beast
    who only seeks to burn
    the hearts deceived, each by each
    for spite at grace he could not reach.

    1. I get brain “frog” from my several chronic illnesses and have to chuckle at myself when I read something wrong or hear something wrong.

  2. Beautiful, Paula! ~FMF #3

  3. some poetry does take a bit longer than five minutes to write….but it turned out well in the end. A good read. 🙂 FMF15

  4. Beautiful poem/prayer.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Paula, I absolutely love this!! I have shared it on my Facebook page. Such a powerful and meaningful prayer. It will be going in my blog folder.
    Kath, your FMF neighbour at #11. Thanks so much for your prayers this week.

    1. Thanks Kath. I’m happy this touched you and that you saved it to your blog folder. I have a special blogging friends bookmark where I save special posts too.

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