1. Young children of today need Mr Rogers in their lives. Too many children’s shows today are not appropriate in my opinion. I NEVER saw anything inappropriate on his show.

  2. What a sweet recollection from such an encouraging person. I can feel the heat of that conversation today and the comfort of it. I always enjoyed Mr. Rogers, even when I was really too old to watch. His kindness was a refreshing place to sit for awhile.

  3. Loved remembering Mr. Rogers and his sweet lessons. We need more Mr. Rogers!

  4. Paula, I absolutely adore Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood. I loved it as a child, and I still love it. I learned so much from Fred Rodgers, I can’t wait to meet him in heaven!

  5. I loved watching Mr. Rogers with my children. I have a book of all his quotes which sits on my desk. I enjoyed this post, Paula!

  6. So much to learn from him. We watched him often. I wish all kids could still have this show.

    Funny how he was calm and understated, yet we remember so well. And the other shows of today? Loud, obnoxious, chaotic, spastic to reach children? I think not. Children will be like what they watch! We need this show back today!

    Thanks for sharing this at the Sunday Sunshine Blog Hop! Love your thoughts!


    1. Yes, Children’s television NEEDS Mr. Rogers today. My kids are grown but I’m saddened when I see commercials for kids shows today, it’s really disheartening to see what they’re exposed to.

  7. I love this! We had a couple in our church that got married in June and their theme was Mr. Rogers, I LOVED it! It was adorable! Thanks for sharing with Encouraging Hearts and Home, you’ve been featured on my blog this week!

    1. Thank you Stacy. Oh what a fun wedding. Thanks bunches for the feature, wow! {{Hugs}}

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