The Lord is my banner

Have you ever thought about your name? Your parents, grandparents, children, or grandchildren’s names? “Your name is [Insert your name here]. But you may be called [Insert nickname or shortened name here]. Your mom calls you [?]. Your friends call you [?]. You’re called by many names but still the same person.”

“The different names indicate a special relationship. It means what we have is unique, and it’s a mark of a friendship or relationship.”

Have you ever wondered why God has so many different names and what they all mean? Join me this summer, and let’s take a look at a few of God’s names and the beauty behind what they mean…

Second Up

 Yahweh Nissi— The Lord is my banner

God had delivered the Israelites from Egypt, and they were now camped in Rephidim. God had been providing for their needs, including water, but the people began complaining that there was no water to drink. They even questioned whether God was with them or not. (Exodus 17:5-6).

“The Lord said to Moses, “Walk out in front of the people. Take your staff, the one you used when you struck the water of the Nile, and call some of the elders of Israel to join you. I will stand before you on the rock at Mount Sinai. Strike the rock, and water will come gushing out. Then the people will be able to drink.” So Moses struck the rock as he was told, and water gushed out as the elders looked on.” Exodus 17:5-6— NLT

Then the news came that the Amalekites, a mighty nation, were about to attack. Moses instructed Joshua to take his soldiers and go into battle. Meanwhile, Moses would go up to the mountain and pray to God with his hands lifted.

After the Israelites won the battle against the Amalekites, Moses named God “Yahweh Nissi,” which means “The Lord is my banner.” This name was to serve as a reminder to the Israelites that God had been their protector and defender in battle. It also showed that God was the one who gave them victory.

The significance of the name “Yahweh Nissi” can be lost on modern audiences. In the ancient world, though, it was a powerful reminder to the nation of Israel. In their time, a nation going into battle would display a banner (or flag). This banner would represent the nation’s identity and its beliefs. It would also be a rallying point for the soldiers.

Let’s mention the flag runner here. The who..? He was a soldier who carried the nation’s symbol at the front of the army. During battle, soldiers could look to the banner to remember what they were fighting for. The banner was a rallying point in the face of death and destruction, giving soldiers strength and courage.

Up until this point, the Israelites had not had a banner or flag to rally around. They were a new nation, and they were still finding their identity. That is…. until their victory over the Amalekites, Moses declared that God was their banner.

This was a bold declaration, but it was also a necessary one. The Israelites needed to know that they were not alone in their fight. They needed to know that God was with them and that he would give them strength and courage.

About These Ancient Banners

—The word “nissi” means “banner” or “flag.”

—Banners were often made of brightly colored cloth and decorated with images of gods or other symbols.

— Banners were carried into battle by soldiers, who were seen as a source of protection and inspiration.

— The name “Yahweh Nissi” was a reminder to the Israelites that God was their banner and that he would protect them in battle.

— The flag runner was often a young and experienced soldier.

—The flag runner was often a target for enemy soldiers and often died in battle.

— The flag was seen as a sacred object and was often treated with great respect.

— The word “battle” can refer to any kind of struggle or challenge in life.


All In All

It is easy to lose focus and get discouraged in the midst of a battle. This is especially true when facing a difficult challenge, such as addiction, job loss, moving, empty nest syndrome, divorce, the death of a loved one, cancer, or infertility. In these times, it is important to remember that God is your banner. He is your strength and courage. He is the one you must turn to if you want to find victory.

So, when you are in the battle, turn your eyes to God. He is your banner. He is your strength and courage. He is the one who will help you find victory.

Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts  

Senior Salon Pit Stop   Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday    #MondayMusings    Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy’s Grid    #PoCoLo

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  1. This is great, Paula! We can raise up our banner and He will deliver us! Hallelujah!

    1. Thank you Lisa, I learned a lot while I was researching for this post.

  2. Such a good post and reminder! Once we come to know and recognize God as Yahweh Nissi, we know that He is the God who is with us in every battle. His name stands true for every battle for all of time.

    1. Thank you Joanne. Amen and Amen.

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