The Lord Will Provide
This summer, we’re going to be exploring the names of God.
Have you ever thought about your name? Your parents, grandparents, children, or grandchildren’s names? “Your name is [Insert your name here]. But you may be called [Insert nickname or shortened name here]. Your mom calls you [?]. Your friends call you [?]. You’re called by many names but you\’re still the same person.”
“The different names indicate a special relationship. It means what we have is unique, and it’s a mark of a friendship or relationship.”
Have you ever wondered why God has so many different names and what they all mean? Join me this summer, and let’s take a look at a few of God’s names and the beauty behind what they mean…
First Up
Jehovah Jireh, or Yahweh-Yireh— God will provide.
In Genesis 22, Abraham’s faith is tested. God asks the father to sacrifice his beloved son. This is not a metaphorical sacrifice but a literal one that involves killing the most precious person to him.
Yet Abraham is willing. He sets out on a journey to bring his son to the appointed place. As they near the mountain, his son asks an innocent question that must have cut and shaken Abraham to the bone. “Where is the lamb?”
From the question, it’s evident that Isaac has accompanied his father on other sacrifices. He knows from the torch and the wood that a lamb is the only thing missing from their hike.
His father, willing to be compassionate and not scare his child, whispers, “God will provide for the offering.” (Genesis 22:8)
Just as Abraham is about to complete the offering and kill his child, an angel calls out as the knife is poised in his hand.
“Don’t lay a hand on the boy!” the angel said. “Do not hurt him in any way, for now, I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.” (Genesis 22:12, NLT)
As Abraham gazed up, he caught sight of a ram entangled in the bushes. Instead of his son, he sacrificed the ram. Interestingly, at this moment, he gave God a name – Jehovah Jireh, or Yahweh-Yireh— which essentially means that God will provide.
The essence of God’s character is revealed through the names given to Him, and Jehovah Jireh is a prime example of this. It serves as a constant reminder for all of us that we can always rely on God for our everyday needs.
At one time or another, it can be wearisome to remember when the creditors keep calling when bills are piling up and when it seems there’s no end to the cycle of lack and struggle. Nevertheless, just as Isaac was not tasked with finding a substitute lamb, it is not your responsibility to provide anything, as God will provide for all your needs.
The name Jehovah Jireh is beautiful because it illustrates that God is there for us and intervenes. The same God that breathed life into the galaxy and all the living creatures on earth knows about our struggles and needs. He will always provide a way for us.

All In All
The name Jehovah Jireh is beautiful because it signifies that God is there for us. The same God who created the vast galaxy and all the living creatures on earth is aware of our struggles and needs. He will always find a way to provide for us.
Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts
Senior Salon Pit Stop Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s Inspire Me Monday @ Create With Joy Friendship Friday #MondayMusings Remember Me Monday #TellHisStory InstaEncouragements Let\’s Have Coffee #AnythingGoesLinky Thankful Thursday Imparting Grace Grace & Truth Your The Star Encouraging Hearts & Home Hearth & Soul Sweet Tea & Friends Grammy’s Grid #PoCoLo
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Yes, Amen God will provide!
I struggle with all of the sacrificing in the Bible. Onto more studying. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedLinkParty 116. Pinned.
You’re most welcome sweet friend. Yes, I struggle it too sometimes.
I like your explanation of how the names of God represent a special relationship. Thank you for the educational and inspirational post.
Thank you and you’re so welcome Theresa.