Have you ever come to your prayer time and had no idea what to say? Your heart was full of cares, but You lost your words and struggled with how to approach God. 

Maybe you have been carrying around something so long that you have no more ways to pray about it. Perhaps that burden has caused you so much anguish that you are frustrated or silent. You feel like you don\’t have anything else to say.

I\’ve been there too. And I have to keep reminding myself that God already knows. He cares about that place you struggle with in prayer. 

No doubt, prayer can be hard sometimes. When you feel like this, you may not know what to say. Your words may feel like they are barely leaving your lips. Let me assure you that even the most seasoned person in prayer has felt this way too.

Prayer is not about getting it right or doing it like a pastor would. It\’s about coming to the Father and pouring your heart out to Him. Prayer is about relationship. It\’s about you believing that God hears you. 

Jeremiah 33:3— CSB says, \”Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.\”

You can hold on to this promise when the prayer waters seem difficult. I encourage you to just come as you are. Come with all the emotion or no emotion. Come sit in silence. Come with tears. But, just come. 

Why? Because prayer is a two-way conversation, and God is never short on words. So, when you are lost for words, He is not. How great is that?

Here are some tips for when your words are unsure

Quiet Place 

If you can get alone in a quiet place with God, do that. Sometimes a change of environment helps us to pray and get our words out. Sometimes in that space, we can hear our thoughts better and don\’t need to say anything. A quiet place is a great place to just let go of the day and let God pour into the space of your heart. 

Be Honest with God 

When you feel unsure what to say, take the time in that place and be truthful with yourself and Him about where you are and what you are feeling. That honesty could be your love for Him, the anxiousness of your soul, the sorrow or loss you feel, or whatever. Just pour out your heart in honesty. 

Guided Prayers

This is a good one. Sometimes you may actually need to pray a guided prayer. These are found in prayer books or devotions where someone has a prayer already written out that you can use as a starting point for prayer. These prayers can be found on all subjects and are great starting points when you\’re short on words. You can add to these prayers too.

Praying the Scriptures

Pray your favorite passages of the scriptures. A great place to start is the book of Psalms. This is a great place to start, also. Pick a chapter that is a favorite or one that speaks to your situation and pray God\’s word back to Him. Before long, you will not be lost for words. You can find some topical prayers I\’ve written HERE if you choose.


Listen. Even if your words are few and unsure. Sit quietly with your heart. Focus on what the Lord is saying to you at that moment. The Lord loves to talk to His children. He may say a lot or a little, but He will speak His will to your heart. 

I want to share this beautiful promise from Philippians on prayer…

Philippians 4:6-7— NET says, \”Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.\”

This is a lovely verse to keep close. Let peace fill your heart, dear friend. Let peace come and settle in your heart. May that peace from God, even in your unsureness, run anxiousness away. 

Linking up this month with these great Blog Hop Link-Up party hosts  Inspire Me Monday @ Anita’s   Inspire Me Monday  @ Create With Joy   Friendship Friday    #MondayMusings    Remember Me Monday   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements   Let\’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends   Grammy’s Grid    


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  1. Paula, I love your prayer tips. So happy I read them this evening.

  2. Paula, it is so important to remember we won’t always have the words we need when it comes time to pray. I often turn to praying scripture, when my own words fail. Or simply listening, sometimes no words are necessary! I’m glad my heavenly Father knows my heart and deepest needs before I even speak to Him about it!!

  3. God has really been working on me about my prayer life lately. Your post is one more way he is challenging and encouraging me! Visiting from Let’s Have Coffee today.

  4. Sometimes all I can do is agree with what God is doing, what He’s allowing or ordaining. ‘Thy will be done.’ I’m long past thinking I have the answers and timetables. He knows. And that will be enough.

  5. Paula,

    Isn’t wonderful to know that He understands our heart postures even when we can’t form the words? Thank you for this beautiful post.


  6. Paula,

    What helpful and important tips to remember. Prayer is hard sometimes. It helps me too to write out my prayers.

  7. Shared this on twitter,friend. Beautiful encouragement.

  8. These are wonderful suggestions! I will be keeping them in mind! Thank you!

    1. Thank you Ashley. And you’re welcome friend.

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