1. Love this! Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. You are so welcome sweet friend.

  2. Paula,
    Thanks so much for all your visits and for your very kind words!! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to do so!! I hope you have a great weekend!!

    1. I love visiting over at your place Debbie.

  3. These are great, Paula. Headed into this busy season, I know there will be many times (whether shopping or with family) that I will be tempted to respond in less-than-gentle tones. I’m going to refer back to these in those moments!

    1. Lisa I’m so happy you found this helpful. Sometimes It’s hard especially if we’re around not so friendly or grumpy people I have to catch myself sometimes.

  4. Thank you for this gentle reminder, Paula, to walk in a spirit of gentleness.

  5. Thank you Paula. Does it also mean that we are slow to write a person off?

  6. I’m enjoying reading these affirmations. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 89. Shared.

    1. I’m happy you’re enjoying them Dee.

  7. Gentleness. Yes, yes, that’s who I want to be. In heart, mind, and body. Thanks for this, Paula.

    1. You’re so welcome Linda. I want to be that way too.

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