1. Sounds like great advice! I've never seen so much mental illness as we're seeing these days. It is so sad. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 82. Shared.

  2. This is such an encouraging post, Paula! I agree with you.

  3. Paula, This is a terrific post! If I had a dollar for everytime I was told to just "pray more" or "have faith," I'd be a millionaire. People mean well, but so often say things that just make matters worse. I love the alternatives you've offered here — so much more helpful and comforting. I have a beagle too — Sadie Mae and am a Pittsburgh gal. Will definitely be sharing this post!
    Bev xx

  4. Excellent article, Paula. So many Christians/Churches stigmatize mental illness, we need these words! I love your alternate suggestions which validate and support those suffering, not only with mental illness, but in any hard place.

  5. Thank you for talking about this issue with so much thoughtfulness.

  6. Yes, yes, yes, Paula! I applaud your courage in sharing the things that are NOT helpful, and your wisdom in sharing the words that can be helpful instead.

  7. I'm so happy this encouraged you Aritha.

  8. I hear you Bev. I'm glad you found this helpful. Yay, beagles and a Pittsburgh friend.

  9. Thank you Donna. Yes, these suggestions can fit many hardships people face.

  10. You're most welcome Lauren.

  11. Thank you my friend. I know there are so many things people can say that aren't helpful, even if they mean well. And I also know there are many things they can say instead, to support someone.

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