1. How sweet that your mom prayed for you all those years!

  2. What a heartwarming story about those prayers your mother prayed for you. Thank you for sharing your personal testimony, Paula.

  3. What a double blessing – to have a mom who prays like that – and to find her prayer words for you as an inheritance/heritage! Thank you for the encouragement you give so many other mothers by sharing your story!

  4. A mom’s answered prayer-PTL, Paula!

  5. I love this, Paula. It brought tears to my eyes as I read how your mom prayed with such devotion for you. What a wonderful blessing!

    1. Thank you Penny. She was such a blessing.

  6. Praise the Lord for godly mothers (and all the others) who continually lift up their loved ones before the throne of grace. What an example of faithfulness and persistence in prayer!
    Visiting from Let’s Have Coffee #22

    1. Praise the Lord indeed. Even though I strayed in my yong adult years my mom modeled good and faithful servant hood for me growing up .

  7. What a sweet gift and surprise to find those prayer requests and to know God honored her prayers!

    1. It sure was Amy. It’s when I realized that God may answer prayers even if we’re not here to see them.

  8. You had a great gift of family love which helped guide you on your developing relationship with God. Beautiful post

    1. I sure did indeed. Thank you.

  9. Oh praise God for our mothers, biological and spiritual, who nurtured us with prayer along the way. I recently was told that now I’M the matriarch in the family. What a huge responsibility … and a joy … to hold those next generations up to the Lord. I’m hoping and trusting I can be faithful in this call in this season.

    Only Jesus.

    1. What an honor indeed. I believe in you friend. I’m certain you will be faithful in his call in this season.

  10. How inspiring, enjoyed reading this so much!! Seems we mothers and grandmothers do this more often than people realize. Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 82. Shared.

  11. Paula – this is precious! What a gift that you found these sweet prayers from your mom. I have prayed many similar prayers for my adult children (and continue to do so) and I am encouraged to remember that God hears each and every one of those prayers. Thanks for sharing your testimony!

  12. What a beautiful testimony to your Mom, Paula! And an encouragement to me, as I pray for two wayward children, God does hear and answer prayer!!!

    1. Thank you Donna, I too am praying for my disengaged oldest daughter too. Yes He certainly does answer prayers. I’m okay with his wait now.

  13. I loved reading this. I am the product of a faithfully praying mom and I hope I am passing that on for my children now.

    1. I’m so blessed to hear this Lauren.

  14. What a gereat post ….I can only imagine what it was like to find these prayers of your Mother…And that her prayers for you came to be….Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    1. Thank you so much Debbie. I also enjoy visiting at your place.

  15. What a beautiful testimony of a mother’s love, of the power of prayer, and Jesus faithfulness to pursue His wandering lamb.

  16. Wow! What an amazing feeling you must have gotten when you read all the prayer requests of your mother for you. This is beautiful, Paula. May we continue to be as vigilant praying for our own daughters.

    1. It sure was an amazing feeling. I can still remember and feel it. Yes, may we continue to be as vigilant in praying for our own daughters indeed, my friend.

  17. This story feeds my hope for loved ones among our family and friends who are not in relationship with Jesus! Thank you, Paula!

  18. How lovely to have found something so personal of your mother after all these years. Thank you for linking with #pocolo hope to see you back again soon.

    1. Thank you so much for reading. I’m looking forward to visiting often.

  19. CONGRATS Paula! Your post is FEATURED at the Unlimited Link Party 83!

  20. I love looking back on all God has done! Much like the “Footprints” poem, I’m so grateful for the times He’s carried me!

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