It was a sunny day in October 1998. I still remember my visit to the hospital that day. I can recall walking down the ICU corridor with my dad. 

 The sun was shining brightly through the windows as we passed by. As we were rounding the nurse’s station, I could see into my mom’s room. Something made me stop, to which I made my dad stop too.

 He asked me why we stopped. I said, “look” — into my mom’s room. We were still several feet away from her room, but what we saw would stay with me all these years.

 Her nurse was so compassionately sponge bathing my mom’s hair at the time and combing it. I could hear the gentleness in her voice and see her gentle movements. She was talking to my mom with genuine kindness.

 Watching this kind nurse warmed my soul. I could feel it, warmness inside me. I wonder if my mom could feel it too? Her nurses’ genuine care for her. She was sedated and on life support. She passed away a few days later.

 I don’t remember that nurse’s name, but God does. She never knew how her warmth, genuineness, and kindness blessed us that day. But God does. This memory has popped into my mind many times through the years. With each recall comes the feeling of feeling blessed and grateful, which brings a smile.

 You see, my friend, you may be a blessing to someone without even knowing it. Your warmth, genuineness, kindness, compassion, and benevolence shown to another may affect them.

 Our God has the power to use an event, circumstance, or situation to bring about changes and move feelings. He works for our good.

 We might never know if we’ve been a blessing to someone. And that’s okay because God does.

❝ But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.❞ Galatians 5:22-23                — NASB


❝ The Lord bless you, and keep you; The Lord cause His face to shine on you,And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His face to you,And give you peace.❞ Numbers 6:24-26— NASB

 Linking up this month  Inspire Me Monday   &  the other Inspire Me Monday   #MondayMusings   #TellHisStory   InstaEncouragements   Let’s Have Coffee   #AnythingGoesLinky    Thankful Thursday   Imparting Grace    Grace & Truth   Your The Star    Encouraging Hearts & Home   Hearth & Soul   Sweet Tea & Friends  

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  1. Such a sweet memory, Paula! It is so true. We will never know what has occurred behind the scenes. Yet every kindness may speak more than any words or sermon!

  2. Paula, it's stories like these that remind me no kindness is ever wasted!

  3. Thanks! This… I have tears in my eyes, Paula.

  4. Oh, Paula, what a touching post. I have tears in my eyes. You are so right, we may never know just how a small kindness can touch the life of another.

  5. Thank you so much Ashley.

  6. That is so true.

  7. Yes, I agree with you completely.

  8. You're welcome Arietha.

  9. You are so right Penny.

  10. Paula,

    What a tender moment! I can understand why you treasure it. If I can a difference like that then I will have lived life well.

    Have a great weekend!


  11. Thank you for sharing this intimate story. What a true blessings that nurse was that day. You are so right we never know who we might be blessings. Thank you for sharing on Grace & Truth Link-up. Sharing your post on my Grace & Truth Pinterest board.

  12. What a precious memory for you! As a young child, I was very sick and in the hospital for a few weeks. Most nurses were so so, some were mean, but the kind and caring ones stood out to me. At that young age I decided I wanted to be a kind and caring nurse when I grew up. I have a blog post in draft that I started a few days ago about my nursing career. You've inspired me to get it published. By the way, I love your blog name, I think a lot of us might be blessed messes 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 81. Pinned.

  13. This is very moving, Paula. It's true that such acts of kindness is what make life meaningful and are always imprinted on our hearts.

  14. CONGRATS Paula! Your post is FEATURED at the Unlimited Link Party 82!

  15. Isn't it amazing how those simple acts of kindness make such an impression on us? When my mom was in assisted living, I remember certain workers that were so kind to her. It's beyond something that they're paid for. Thanks for sharing this memory and linking up with Grace & Truth last week. I'll be featuring your post Friday, Sept 16, at my blog for our next Grace & Truth linkup!

  16. Thank you for your kind words Tammy.

  17. You're welcome Maree. Thank you so much for reading. It means a lot to me.

  18. Thank you Dee. I feel blessed to know this touched you.

  19. Thank you Corrine, some acts of kindness are imprinted indeed.

  20. Thanks bunches for featuring my post Dee.

  21. It really is amazing what an impression those simple moments leave on our hearts, and how we carry them with us. Thank you so much for the feature.

  22. I love this, Paula. So often we want to serve God in "big" ways, but He can use us in any act of service done for Him.

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