This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week\’s word prompt is {SHOW}

Kate said SHOW

I can SHOW you

— A picture

— How to make a craft

— Which way to go

— Steps to make a recipe

— How to change a flat tire

— My appreciation

— How to create a budget

— How to do a progressive muscle exercise

— How to Effectively pack a suitcase

— How to make a paper airplane

Jesus SHOW\’s us

— Mercy

— Grace

— Compassion

— Unconditional love

— That serving others is better than being serves

— How to live

— How to love and love our neighbor

— How to forgive

— How to communicate with God

— That God is the creator and sustainer of life

I only listed ten things I can show you and ten things that Jesus shows us. Jesus shows and teaches us abundantly more and offers us bountiful love.

Photo by Mercedes Mehling on Unsplash

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  1. so true that God supercedes anything we can offer. FMF22

  2. The amazing thing is that Christ chooses to use us to SHOW others about Himself!

  3. It is really good to write blogs about faith and religion. You will never get bored and many things will come to your mind. Thank you.

    1. Thank you and you’re welcome.

  4. I’m so glad Jesus shows us all that and more. Thanks for sharing, Paula

  5. What a long list we could make of all the wonderful things Jesus shows us! I enjoyed your list as well!
    Visiting from FMF#19

  6. Jesus has so much to offer!

  7. Love this, Paula. I’m so grateful for Jesus and all He shows us.

  8. You chose one of my favorite Psalms – as a child the Psalms were my favorite book of the Bible. God’s word shows me much love and faith.

    1. I agree Carol. God’s word shows me much love and faith too.

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