1. Love your list of joy. Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you have a great day.

    1. Thanks cathy, and your welcome. Sending have a good day wishes to you too.

  2. tomthebackroadstraveller

    …that orange bike is the bomb! Stomping in rain puddles sound great to me, it’s so dry here.

  3. Great list and lovely photo!

  4. Such a joyful list, Paula! It made me think and remember to be more joyful and grateful. Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much Corinne. Hugs back atcha.

  5. Just last week I sat inside and watched a big oak tree outside my window as it bowed and moved during a windy afternoon. It did bring me joy. I have to choose to be intentional about finding joy more often. Thanks for sharing your list Paula and for linking up!

    1. You’re welcome my friend.

  6. My heart rejoices reading your list, Paula! Many of those are my favorite joys too! So life giving to look for Joy in the simplicity of daily life!

    1. Thank you Donna, yes, I’ve been intentionally seeking joy in the everyday. Sometimes it’s so easy to miss it.

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