This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week\’s word prompt is {GUESS}.

I have to admit this week\’s word stumped me. I was really at a loss. The only thing I could come up with was to locate some common phrases with the word guess in them. Here you go.

Your Dictionary tells the definition of the word guess like this: To suppose; think. To form a judgment or estimate of (something) without actual knowledge or enough facts for certainty; conjecture; surmise—an act of predicting, estimating, or assuming. 

A wild guess

(one) never would have guessed

An educated guess

Guess What!

I guess not

It\’s anyone\’s guess

Your guess is as good as mine

Have another guess coming

I guess so

Guess again

Keep somebody guessing


Take a guess

I\’m delighted that we don\’t have to guess about Jesus because He is the same yesterday and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8—NIV). God is always the same, but the teachers are different. Some teachers align with God\’s precepts, and others do not. 

Scary thought, but this is good news. If we know that God does not change, but people do, we can do as the Hebrews writer suggests and \”carefully observe the outcome of their lives.\” When we read God\’s word, he doesn\’t make us guess. He\’s got lifes instructions mapped out for us.

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  1. Beautiful post on this Friday.

  2. Paula, like you, I am so glad we don’t have to guess about our God – who never changes, cannot lie, and is ever faithful! Blessings, friend!

    1. Blessings to you too my friend❤

  3. I too am glad God is unchanging, and that He gives us discernment with teachers in this life. Very nicely worded!

    1. Thank you so much Anna. Blessings.

    2. Yes so true! Thank goodness we do not have to guess.

  4. Like you, I was reminded this week that we are blessed to not have to guess about Jesus. We don’t have to tiptoe around him for fear of upsetting him. He is the same today as he was when he walked this Earth…or even when he worked alongside God to create it. There is no guessing. Just centuries of proof that Jesus loves all of creation and IT IS GOOD!

  5. Ooh, I like your “guess” list! That could become a fun writing prompt of its own – incorporate three or more into an anecdote, or use one (or combination) as a title, or… <3

    1. Thank you. I love your idea of it beincoming a writing prompt.

  6. I’m glad Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Paula!

  7. I love how you started with a lighthearted approach & ended with biblical truth!

    Visiting from FMF

  8. Just noticed the Deborah Brown quote on our sidebar. Good food for thought.
    Thanks for sharing.
    And yes, I too am very grateful that we don’t have to guess about Jesus.

  9. Paula, thanks for the reminder that God doesn’t leave us to guess. He’s so much more certain than all of those phrases. I didn’t realise there were so many!! Thanks for sharing. Your FMF neighbour at #3 this week.

    1. You’re so welcome my friend.

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