1. Never doubt the power of the Holy Spirit! Once we confess our sin, the GRACE of God removes our sin as far as the east is from the west!

  2. Psalm 103 is a favorite of mine. All the metaphors demonstrate God's good intentions toward us!

  3. It's a favorite of mine too. Amen!

  4. Great scripture verses, Paula! ~Let's Have Coffee #19

  5. I love all these scriptures, especially Psalm 103. Higher than the heavens! His Love reaches farther!

  6. Paula, such good verses here, I memorized Psalm 103 to help me remember the depth of God's forgiveness!

  7. Thank you so much Lisa.

  8. Amen Jerri, Thank you.

  9. Thank you Donna, Psalm 103 is a frequent go-to for me.

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