\”But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make. Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, \”Am I not able, house of Israel, to deal with you as this potter does?\” declares the Lord. \”Behold, like the clay in the potter\’s hand, so are you in My hand, house of Israel\”

—Jeremiah 18:4-6 NASB

Do you ever find yourself thinking that you\’d like to serve Jesus? Do you find yourself asking how when you feel so broken? I believe we are all a little broken sometimes, friend.

Jesus never promised us an easy time of it [life]. We\’re going to face trials, hardships, illness, disease, injury, aging, and feeling like we\’re just plain worn out and weary. 

Have you ever found yourself saying to a friend or to yourself, \”I know I was meant to be in ministry. I want to serve God— But I just feel so broken.\” 

Friend, I\’m here to tell you, Just because you\’re broken doesn\’t mean you can\’t serve God. Some of the most insightful lessons I\’ve learned have come from broken vessels and being a broken vessel myself.

In regards to the potter, as he molded and shaped the clay pot on the wheel, defects often appeared. The potter had the power over the clay to permit the defects to remain or reshape the pot.

Likewise, God has the power to reshape us for his purpose. Our approach should not become mindless or passive— One aspect of clay— but be willing to receive God\’s impact on us. 

As we yield to God, He begins reshaping us into valuable vessels. 

It\’s easy to think something prohibits you from serving God. Maybe you think you can\’t because you have a disability, difficult home life, or a painful past.

 But what you may see as an obstacle could be the area of ministry that God is calling you to. Sometimes what you may perceive as a rejection in your life is really God\’s re-direction for your life.

Father God, I\’m broken, fragile, and my perception is off. But I\’m Yours. I\’m struggling on my own to see how you can use me. Help me to turn my eyes upon you and your light. Father, Use this broken vessel to bring honor and glory to Your name. In Jesus\’ name, Amen.

Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash

Sweet Tea & Friends monthly blog hop link-up. 


Welcome friends near and far. You\’re Invited to join me on the porch for some sweet tea and fellowship? Can you picture it? Sitting on the porch on a warm summer\’s day with friends sipping sweet tea, and having engaging conversations on just about everything? We will also be serving other beverages you may prefer like— Iced tea with lemon, Lemonade, Pop, Coffee, Hot Tea, Fruit Juice, etc… I can’t wait to meet you there!

This party will run from 1:00 am on the 1st of every month through 11:50 pm on the 15th of the month. You can learn the full details about the link-up and community— That\’s Us— HERE.

  1. For bloggers Link up to 3 of your Christian, Faith, and FAMILY-FRIENDLY ONLY posts. Feel free to link up your DIY, Crafts, Gardening, Travel, Outdoor, Home/Tablescapes, Decorating, Recipes/Cooking, Health & Beauty, or fashion posts.
  1. Link to a specific blog post URL (not your website). Feel free to link up any older posts that may need some love and attention too.
  1. Show some love. Visit your neighbor or at least 2 others and comment to let them know that what they wrote touched you or you appreciated their post.

4. For Readers please feel free to click on the blue button below to visit other writers blog posts. You will find Christian content as well as encouragement, inspirational and many lifestyle and homestyle content you are sure to enjoy.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Have Fun Visiting!!

Linking up this week with Inspire Me Monday Remember Me Monday InstaEncouragements Tell His Story Recharge Wednesday Let\’s Have Coffee Tune In Thursday Imparting Grace Grace & Truth Friendship Friday

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  1. Paula, loved your post-so often I have felt disqualified to serve Christ due to all of the broken pieces of my life. Even when I manage to push through, the same lies come back eventually. Thank you for the encouragement today!

    Love the idea of sitting on the porch with you-though sweet tea isn’t my thing, I’d bring coffee!!! Thank you for creating this space of fellowship!

    1. Your welcome Donna, Regular sweetened lemon iced tea is my thing, I drink about as much of it as I do coffee. A lot. Bring your coffee my friend.

      1. Paula, thank you for your encouraging post. I often feel broken and unqualified but thank goodness we have a good God who transforms us.

      2. We were not promised an easy life, we were promised that we are not on the journey alone. That’s enough for me

  2. Paula, just add some lemon to that tea and I’m there! 🙂 Loved your post. God truly does some of His best work through us broken vessels. That way we know it’s Him and not us! Thanks for hosting.

    1. Add lemon my friend. I too prefer lemon in my tea as well. Thank you so much for linking up.

  3. Congratulations on your new website, Paula! It looks great! And congratulations for hosting a link-up party! [Let me know when you get a square for it and I’ll put it on my link-up party page] You are intentionally moving forward and giving God the glory as He uses one of His broken vessels to bring Him praise.

    1. Thank you so very much Lisa. Yes Jesus has been nudging me again. He’s been nudging me for a few months now to host a link up I’ve been hem hawing around, and he’s like do it now, so I did. Lol. I’m so moved by all the hosts and parties I participate in and the loving fellowship I have with all of you. That He just over came me and convicted my heart to host as well as participate.

  4. Paula, this was most encouraging to me as I have often held myself back, thinking God surely would not want or need to use me. Our brokenness is no an issue to our God for when He fills us, He mends those broken areas as well. I’m not sure how I missed that you have a linkup. I’m delighted to come sit with you and share our hearts!

    1. I’m so happy this encouraged you today my friend. My link up is new. Today was the first launch. It will be monthly and run from the 1st through 15th of every month. I’m so happy to not only continue to link up with all of you who host, but participate in hosting all for the Glory of our good good Father.

  5. Your message is a reminder I always need to hear, Paula. I don’t see hospitality as a strength of mine, and I can come up with a million excuses to avoid it. But people neither expect or even want perfection from us anyway! They just want a friend. Love your new linkup!

    1. Thank you so much Lisa. Also thank you so much for linking up this month.

  6. Paula, I didn’t know that you were hosting a link party! Glad to stumble upon it!

    1. Michele, this was the opening launch. So you did not miss it. And I’m so thankful you linked up. All for the Glory of God.

  7. I’m so thankful God uses broken vessels–we all are in some way. But that shows the power is in Him and not in us.

    1. Me too, and indeed we are all broken in some way. Glory be to our good good Father.

  8. I love this passage.

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