This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This weeks prompt is {RUN}

Kate said Run.

Wonderful, counselor,
everlasting Father, Prince
of peace. Run into the
arms of Jesus.

God, taking the form of
a servant, is born in man\’s
likeness. Run into the arms
of Jesus.

In the beginning, he was the
word, and he was with God.
Our high priest, without sin.
Run into the arms of Jesus.

Through him, all things were
made. Without him, nothing
was made. Run into the arms
of Jesus.

In him, we have life. He is the
light of all mankind. His light shines
in the darkness, and the darkness
will not overcome him. Run into
the arms of Jesus.

He is absolute, benevolent, delivering,
deliberate, extraordinary, and forgiving.
Run into the arms of Jesus.

He is glorified, Holy, infallible,
Just, loving, merciful and omniscient.
Run into the arms of Jesus.

He is and will always be our
protector, righteous, supernatural,
victorious and worshiped.
Run into the arms of Jesus.


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  1. I don’t think I’ve ever used the adjective “deliberate” to describe Jesus. I’m not sure why. It just might be my new favorite. Thank you for these beautiful words.
    FMF Friend #23

  2. I’m so thankful we can run into the arms of Jesus, Paula! His arms are always open wide for us!

  3. “He is and will always be our
    protector” – my favorite line! I found your poem encouraging and a reminder that Jesus will always be there for us. 🙂

    1. So happy you found this encouraging Ann.

  4. This is beautiful! It reminded me of a song I love – Run To The Father by Matt Maher. The reminder that in any and every situation, we can run to Jesus and find peace and safety in his arms.

    Visiting from FMF#10

  5. it’s all we can do isn’t it Paula? To run into the arms of Jesus.

    1. Indeed Anette, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Praise God for that.

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