This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week\’s word prompt is {EXPLORE}

Kate said explore

This week\’s word prompt brought to mind scavenger hunts.

During my elementary school years, I remember our local community center used to host summer activities for the kids in my town. The summer activities program came to a close every summer with a picnic and scavenger hunt.

The adults (usually recruited parents) would split us into groups and go around town with us kids while we explored and searched for the \”treasures.\” You know, each group wanted to be the one to find all the clues and win a prize.

Now today, my memory of scavenger hunts made me think about when I read my Bible. I\’m drawn to dig deep, exploring all of the nooks and crannies to expand and develop my understanding about what God is saying in his word.

Isn\’t it funny how a memory from long ago can make you think of a life lesson today? Keep exploring, my friends.

Photo by Olah Renáta Adrienn on Unsplash

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  1. What a beautiful analogy! May we always keep exploring our Bibles so we can better understand the character of the one who loves and saves us!

  2. What a great memory Paula and a great connection to the treasure hunt God gives us in His word. I believe He loves it when we explore and discover so many truths each time we open His word!

  3. I agree Paula, it is fun to see how God uses our past to shape our future! We just need to quiet ourselves enough to listen for the message.

  4. I love exploring my Bible for treasures and I love how He leads us in that treasure hunt. Great post! Your FMF neighbour, at #4 this week.

  5. So true! It is funny what sparks our memories and the connections we make! I love exploring my Bible. It’s so fun when a passage you have read many times suddenly takes on a new meaning, or you have seen it in a new light. God is so good to us.

    1. I feel the same way Cindy.

  6. What a fun memory! Interesting to see how God connects the dots between our memories and experiences and the things he has for us today.

    Stopping by (late) from FMF#15

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