This post is part of the Five Minute Friday blog link-up. Where I join up with a community of writers and bloggers of all ages and stages who gather around a single word prompt to free-write, unscripted, unedited, for five minutes. This week\’s word prompt is {COFFEE}

When Kate said coffee was this week\’s prompt, I promptly said YAY!

I love coffee. It was one of those things that I used to drink all day long. Now, as I age— Not so much. Bummer— Sigh.

This leads me to tell you, dear friends, how my blog got its name. The name I chose, Simply Coffee & Jesus, was born because I always do my Bible reading and devotionals in the morning while having my coffee.

Coffee gets me started and Jesus keeps me going. I have a sign in my kitchen that says All I Need Is A Cup Of Coffee & A Whole Lot Of Jesus.

Wishing everyone a blessed and happy weekend.


Feature Image Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

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16 thoughts on “It\’s In The name

  1. How a propos that I wrote about Jesus and coffee and linked up next to YOU with your lovely blog of Simply Coffee and Jesus! I confess you are the first person I thought of when I saw the prompt last night :). Have a wonderful, Jesus-filled weekend!

  2. What a cool spiritual practice/rhythm you’ve found for yourself! I especially love how that practice made it into the name for your blog. Thanks for sharing your heart on FMF. Peace!

  3. It’s good to hear your beginning blog naming story, Paula. I’m not a coffee drinker, but I appreciate this sentiment from all my coffee drinking friends, “Coffee gets me started and Jesus keeps me going.”

  4. I have a mug that says the same. I love the name of your blog. I also start my day with my devotions and a cup of coffee. It hasn’t always been that way and if you want my coffee story feel free to head over to my blog 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  5. This prompt had your name written all over it!! Sorry. Couldn’t resist. I enjoy coffee during my Bible reading in the morning as well. So do many of us I am learning as I enjoying the posts this afternoon!

  6. My blog name has a similar backstory and I have a favorite mug that says simply: “Jesus and Coffee”

    Visiting (late!) from FMF#22

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