1. I love the parable of the mustard seed – and you are so right – it’s all about relationship – with God and with those who need to know him! An inch a week sounds like beautiful growth! I didn’t know that! Thank you for this Monday Morning Encouragement! ~ Maryleigh

  2. I hope my faith continues to grow more and more. What starts as a mustard seed has great potential! Thanks for the encouragement here, Paula.

  3. Hi Paula, As I scrolled through your posts today, I was drawn to the Mustard Seed. When I was a little girl, I had a Bible with a mustard seed in a glass ball which was attached to my Bible by a little chain. Your post brought back warm memories. We can do things like this for our grandchildren that they will never forget. Blessings, Paula!

    1. Awe, Cindy. I so appreciate you sharing this lovely memory with me. {{Hugs}}

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