Abba, I praise you because you make all things new.
You bring beauty from our ashes.
By your grace and mercy, you brought us from beggars into royalty.
You\’ve redeemed us by your grace. We shout out praise in your name.
Thank you, Lord, for your salvation upon your children.
I know you have plans and promises working behind the scenes, even if I can\’t see it.
Lord, help us hear you when we walk through the wilderness.
Lord, I praise you that you brought our dry bones to life with you.
I praise you that by your power, chains are broken.
In Jesus\’ name, I pray and praise.

The inspiration for this poem came when I was sitting outside observing—observing what you ask? Trees and clouds specifically.

Being a long-time observer of the seasons. I was watching tree limbs and leaves blown by the wind and clouds seemingly rolling. A storm was approaching.

I did get to thinking about the seasons once again. The trees will be shedding their leaves soon, and nature in the northern hemisphere will be preparing for dormancy.

Much like the wonder of seemingly death and rebirth of God\’s nature—Through the seasons—We, too, are made new by his grace and mercy.

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that if we are in Christ, the old us is gone, and the new us is here. Through Christ, God reconciled us to him.

We have been rebirthed into a new creation. We\’ve shed our dead leaves and have grown new healthy, living leaves through him. Fresh minds and hearts.

Friend, we will have many seasons and wild wildernesses to trudge through. But, the difference here is that because we are new creations in Christ, we are fit and adept to seek him and see him right there with us.

Understandably so, we are more capable of viewing walking through a wilderness or season of trouble or turbulence not as rejection but as God\’s redirection.

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

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