Abba, you are Love.

in my meager existence I

can not fathom your supernatural

abundant love for me. I rest in

your Love.

You my Abba, the uncreated one

who created the universe, created me.

I rest in your Love.

Abba, you love me unconditionally even 

when I think I am Unlovable. Your Love is

Incredible and unfailing. I rest in your Love.

Abba, you are the model of Love. My love is

not perfect, but yours is. I rest in your Love.

Abba, nothing can separate me from your Love.

I pause, reflect and meditate on your love for me.

I rest in your Love.

Abba, I know your Love surrounds me and keeps

me safe. Your Love provides me with peace

and comfort, I seek your refuge. I rest in your Love.

Abba, you call me your child. You chose me and

called me by name. You adopted me as your

Daughter. I rest in your Love.

Abba, thank you for Jesus. For sending him

to die in my place while I am a sinner. Because I believe

in Jesus as my Savior, I will have eternal

life with you. I rest in your Love.

Abba, your Love shows me who you want me to be.

you began a growing process in me. I am a work in progress.

you gave me grace and forgiveness. I rest in your Love.

Abba, you gave me your Holy Spitit not only

as my guide, but so I can be filled with your

Love. I welcome your corrections. I rest in your Love.

Abba, when things are difficult or I face hardship

or illness I cling to you. Help me to love others

As you have said. I rest in your Love.

Abba, I rest in your Love. Scripture references (John 13:3-5, 34), (Psalm 31:7)

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

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