
Selah, pronounced [see-luh, or sel-uh]. It is a Hebrew word that means to pause and reflect. According to Gotquestions.org there are several thoughts on the meaning Selah. Some say, to measure or weigh, to lift up, pause, to pause and think about that.

Selah appears 74 times in the Hebrew Bible, 71 times in Psalms, and 3 times in the book of Habakkuk. It is used at the end of verses. Usually denoted to pause and reflect on what we have just read.

Some modern translations have taken this word out completely or have footnoted it. As there has been uncertainty on its meaning or why it is there. There are some words in the Hebrew Bible that cannot be translated.

Why is it there? Well it matters simply because it\’s in the Bible and every word is God breathed. Even if we can\’t understand, or pronounce, or translate them.

I chose Selah as my one word 2021. Because, I want to intentionally and mindfully pause and reflect on what I have just read in God\’s word.

I want to intentionally pause and reflect on other resources I use. Such as devotionals, Christian books, websites, Bible Studies, and also other Christian writers I\’ve met in the blogosphere. I have met so many bloggers, and have visited their websites. Their spaces have become an encouragement to me. So, I want to intentionally pause and reflect on what others have to say as they glorify God in their posts.

Selah has been on my heart for a long time. Lingering if you will, and tugging. I didn\’t always stop to pause and reflect on what I\’ve read or heard. Did I give a quick think about it ? Yes. Have there been times of what I\’ve read or heard that have stopped me in my tracks? Yes, those times are are like Ah Huh moments, or so thats what that means. Alternatively, at times something that has captivated me, and took time for me to process. However, I was not intentional about pausing and reflecting all the time.

I can Selah intentionally, daily in my studies and time with God, in his word. I can Selah in my other daily readings, or in Bible study or praising him when I\’m listening to worship music.. It is important for me to be intentional, and mindful, clearly focusing on God and his word. I can Selah throughout my day.

This post was originally published January 2021

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