Has God ever called you to step out of your comfort zone? He has called me to do so many times. When I was younger I didn\’t realize it was him. However, as my relationship grew with him, I began to recognize when he was calling.

I don\’t like to go out of my comfort zone, it\’s safe here. I don\’t like change either. First there\’s a little grumbling, then I adapt and I\’m good.

My comfort zone is another story. It\’s tough for me to step out of sometimes. \”But God\”? Well of course I\’m not going to tell him no. I might him-haw around for a while, processing.

No, it\’s more like mulling over, perseverating and okay prolonging my action. Most of the time I\’m anxious about what to expect, doing something maybe I haven\’t done before, or feeling uncertain.

You know, those sneaky negative thoughts that rear their ugly little heads. \” are you sure God\”, \” how am I going to go about doing said call\”\’ \” what if I\’m not good enough\”, \” who me?\”

When God calls us out of our comfort zone he has HIS reason(s), purpose, design, and message(s). You know where I\’m going here. After all it is written in Isaiah 55: 8-9.

With that being said. He knows what he\’s doing. Also, since he called you or I to do it he thinks we are just right for his call or he wouldn\’t have called. Remenber we are his.

Friend, here are some reminders when you feel him calling and you are anxious, uncertain, or wrestling with the enemy when he puts negative thoughts in your head.


Whose you are.

You are his child.

He chose you.

He has called you by name.

Rely on him

Trust him.

He will guide you.


Go into his Word daily.

Embrace courage.

Here are some comforting Bible verses to reflect on

Matthew 19:26

2 Timothy 1:7

Joshua 1:9

Romans 8:28

*This post was originally published on March 4, 2021

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